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Hee Jeung Oh

Hee Jeung Oh

Assistant Professor, Chemical Engineering
Scientific Program:Mechanisms of Carcinogenesis
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Recent Publications


Kim, Y, Kim, T, Kang, DE, Szymanski, JS, Kracaw, RB, Lukaszewski, AJ, Tierney, KM, Shaqfeh, MA, Rahman, CM & Jeung Oh, H 2024, 'Determination of Carboxyl Dissociation Degree and pKa in Weak Polyelectrolyte Membranes via POT Titration and FTIR Analysis for Clean Technologies in Sustainability', Macromolecules, vol. 57, no. 22, pp. 10844-10860.
Oh, HJ & Phillip, WA 2024, 'Polymer Physics of Separation Membranes', Macromolecules, vol. 57, no. 20, pp. 9489-9497.
Kim, Y, Kim, T, Kang, DE, Kracaw, RB, Lukaszewski, AJ, Szymanski, JS, Rahman, CM, Shaqfeh, MA, Tierney, KM, Doan, H, Collins, L & Oh, HJ 2024, 'Weak Polyelectrolyte Membranes with a Wide Ion-Exchange Capacity (IEC) Range and Limited Water Swelling in Clean Technologies for Sustainability', ACS Applied Polymer Materials, vol. 6, no. 18, pp. 11334-11349.


Bell, K, Freeburne, S, Fromel, M, Oh, HJ & Pester, CW 2021, 'Heterogeneous photoredox catalysis using fluorescein polymer brush functionalized glass beads', Journal of Polymer Science, vol. 59, no. 22, pp. 2844-2853.