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Bernice L. Hausman, PhD

Bernice L. Hausman, PhD

Garner James Cline Professor of Humanities in Medicine and Chair, Department of Humanities
Professor, Department of Public Health Sciences
Scientific Program:Cancer Control
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Recent Publications


Volpe, RL, Hausman, BL & Dalke, KB 2024, 'A New Construct in Undergraduate Medical Education Health Humanities Outcomes: Humanistic Practice', Journal of Medical Humanities, vol. 45, no. 3, pp. 325-332.
Gautier, S, Hammarlin, MM, Paulik, E, Montagni, I, Mueller, JE, Vaux, S, Luyt, D, Hausman, BL, Bosman, A, Dinh, A, Josseran, L, Bennet, L & Delarocque-Astagneau, E 2024, 'New pedagogical tools for vaccine education: preparing future healthcare workers for the next pandemic', BMC medical education, vol. 24, no. 1, 1314.


Hausman, BL, Jaros, P, Stone, J, Shorner-Johnson, K & Hinshaw, J 2023, 'Creating Health Humanities Programs at Liberal Arts Colleges: Three Models', Journal of Medical Humanities, vol. 44, no. 1, pp. 107-116.
Calo, WA, Shah, PD, Fogel, BN, Ruffin IV, MT, Moss, JL, Hausman, BL, Segel, JE, Francis, E, Schaefer, E, Bufalini, CM, Johnston, N, Hogentogler, E & Kraschnewski, JL 2023, 'Increasing the adoption of evidence-based communication practices for HPV vaccination in primary care clinics: The HPV ECHO study protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial', Contemporary Clinical Trials, vol. 131, 107266.
Volpe, R, Aprile, J, Cooper, A, Dalke, K, Myers, K, Haidet, P, Adams, N & Hausman, BL 2023, 'Reforming a Health Humanities curriculum: Incorporating social justice into medical education', Studi di Sociologia, pp. 65-82.
Foy, AJ, Vrana, KE, Haidet, P, Hausman, BL, Adams, NE, Ropson, I, Wolpaw, DR, Rabago, D, Mailman, RB & Huang, X 2023, 'Student Perceptions of a New Course Using Argumentation in Medical Education', Advances in Medical Education and Practice, vol. 14, pp. 989-998.


Hausman, BL & George, DR 2022, 'From the Editors', Journal of Medical Humanities, vol. 43, no. 1.


Hardy, SM, McGillen, KL & Hausman, BL 2021, 'Dr Mom's Added Burden', Journal of the American College of Radiology, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 103-107.