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Researcher Profile

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Dino Ravnic, DO, MPH, MSc

Dino Ravnic, DO, MPH, MSc

Professor, Department of Surgery
Associate Professor, Department of Surgery
Division of Plastic Surgery
Scientific Program:Next-Generation Therapies

Recent Publications


Shan, D, Wang, D, Ma, Y, Liang, Z, Ravnic, DJ, Zhang, N & Yang, J 2025, 'Biodegradable Citrate-Based Polymers Enable 5D Monitoring of Implant Evolution', Advanced Functional Materials, vol. 35, no. 5, 2414400.
Jaberi, A, Kedzierski, A, Kheirabadi, S, Tagay, Y, Ataie, Z, Zavari, S, Naghashnejad, M, Waldron, O, Adhikari, D, Lester, G, Gallagher, C, Borhan, A, Ravnic, D, Tabdanov, E & Sheikhi, A 2024, 'Engineering Microgel Packing to Tailor the Physical and Biological Properties of Gelatin Methacryloyl Granular Hydrogel Scaffolds', Advanced Healthcare Materials, vol. 13, no. 25, 2402489.
Kang, Y, Yeo, M, Derman, ID, Ravnic, DJ, Singh, YP, Alioglu, MA, Wu, Y, Makkar, J, Driskell, RR & Ozbolat, IT 2024, 'Intraoperative bioprinting of human adipose-derived stem cells and extra-cellular matrix induces hair follicle-like downgrowths and adipose tissue formation during full-thickness craniomaxillofacial skin reconstruction', Bioactive Materials, vol. 33, pp. 114-128.
Celik, N, Koduru, SV, Ravnic, DJ, Ozbolat, IT & Hayes, DJ 2024, 'Posttranscriptional Modification to Modulate Progenitor Differentiation on Heterotypic Spheroids', Tissue Engineering - Part A, vol. 30, no. 17-18, pp. 536-549.
Waldron, OP, El-Mallah, JC, Lochan, D, Wen, C, Landmesser, ME, Asgardoon, M, Dawes, J, Horchler, SN, Schlidt, K, Agrawal, S, Wang, Y & Ravnic, DJ 2024, 'Ushering in the era of regenerative surgery', Minerva Surgery, vol. 79, no. 2, pp. 166-182.


Ataie, Z, Horchler, S, Jaberi, A, Koduru, SV, El-Mallah, JC, Sun, M, Kheirabadi, S, Kedzierski, A, Risbud, A, Silva, ARAE, Ravnic, DJ & Sheikhi, A 2024, 'Accelerating Patterned Vascularization Using Granular Hydrogel Scaffolds and Surgical Micropuncture', Small, vol. 20, no. 8, 2307928.
Abune, L, Wen, C, Lee, K, Wang, X, Ravnic, D & Wang, Y 2024, 'Elastic Macroporous Matrix-Supported In Situ Formation of Injectable Extracellular Matrix-Like Hydrogel for Carrying Growth Factors and Living Cells', Macromolecular Bioscience, vol. 24, no. 3, 2300475.
Greene, A, Zhang, Y, Asan, O, Clark, JB, Fell, B, Harter, K, Samson, T, Ravnic, D, Cilley, RE, Dillon, P, Mackay, D & Tsai, AY 2023, 'Successful application of the innovation process to a case of Floyd Type I tracheal agenesis', Surgery Open Science, vol. 11, pp. 73-76.
Horchler, SN, Hancock, PC, Sun, M, Liu, AT, Massand, S, El-Mallah, JC, Goldenberg, D, Waldron, O, Landmesser, ME, Agrawal, S, Koduru, SV & Ravnic, DJ 2024, 'Vascular persistence following precision micropuncture', Microcirculation, vol. 31, no. 1, e12835.


McLaughlin, C, Datta, P, Singh, YP, Lo, A, Horchler, S, Elcheva, IA, Ozbolat, IT, Ravnic, DJ & Koduru, SV 2022, 'Mesenchymal Stem Cell-Derived Extracellular Vesicles for Therapeutic Use and in Bioengineering Applications', Cells, no. 21, 3366.
McLaughlin, C, Hughes, AJ, Parham, CS, Fritsche, M, Potochny, JD, Kunselman, A & Ravnic, DJ 2022, 'Smooth Versus Textured Tissue Expander Breast Reconstruction: Complications and Efficacy', Annals of plastic surgery, vol. 88, no. 3, pp. S288-S292.
Vidt, ME, Heitzenrater, J, Dodge, D, Potochny, J, Widders, K, Paulishak, M, Ravnic, D, Henry, CR, Green, M, Kass, R & Schmitz, KH 2022, 'The role of physical arm function and demographic disparities in breast cancer survivors’ ability to return to work', Supportive Care in Cancer, vol. 30, no. 12, pp. 10301-10310.


Leberfinger, AN, Jones, CM, Mackay, DR, Samson, TD, Henry, CR & Ravnic, DJ 2021, 'Computer-Aided Design and Manufacture of Intraoral Splints: A Potential Role in Cleft Care', Journal of Surgical Research, vol. 261, pp. 173-178.
Li, S, Liu, Y, McCann, J, Ravnic, DJ, Gimble, JM & Hayes, DJ 2022, 'Hybrid adipose graft materials synthesized from chemically modified adipose extracellular matrix', Journal of Biomedical Materials Research - Part A, vol. 110, no. 1, pp. 156-163.
Koduru, SV, Elcheva, IA, Leberfinger, AN & Ravnic, DJ 2021, 'In silico analysis of RNA and small RNA sequencing data from human BM-MSCs and differentiated osteocytes, chondrocytes and tenocytes', Engineered Regeneration, vol. 2, pp. 19-30.
Hancock, PC, Koduru, SV, Sun, M & Ravnic, DJ 2021, 'Induction of scaffold angiogenesis by recipient vasculature precision micropuncture', Microvascular Research, vol. 134, 104121.
Moncal, KK, Gudapati, H, Godzik, KP, Heo, DN, Kang, Y, Rizk, E, Ravnic, DJ, Wee, H, Pepley, DF, Ozbolat, V, Lewis, GS, Moore, JZ, Driskell, RR, Samson, TD & Ozbolat, IT 2021, 'Intra-Operative Bioprinting of Hard, Soft, and Hard/Soft Composite Tissues for Craniomaxillofacial Reconstruction', Advanced Functional Materials, vol. 31, no. 29, 2010858.
Koduru, SV, Leberfinger, AN, Ozbolat, IT & Ravnic, DJ 2021, 'Navigating the Genomic Landscape of Human Adipose Stem Cell-Derived β-Cells', Stem Cells and Development, vol. 30, no. 23, pp. 1153-1170.
Goldenberg, D, McLaughlin, C, Koduru, SV & Ravnic, DJ 2021, 'Regenerative Engineering: Current Applications and Future Perspectives', Frontiers in Surgery, vol. 8, 731031.