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Researcher Profile

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John Potochny, MD

John Potochny, MD

Associate Professor, Department of Surgery
Division of Plastic Surgery
Disease Teams:
Cancer Institute, Breast Cancer Team

Clinical Trials

CUFF Study: Characterization of Upper Limb Function following Mastectomy and Reconstruction for Breast Cancer

Recent Publications


McLaughlin, CM, Hughes, AJ, Lee, CC, Perez Holguin, RA, Warfield, DJ, Henry, C, Johnson, T & Potochny, JD 2023, 'Comparison of Tumescent Anesthesia Versus Pectoral Nerve Block in Bilateral Reduction Mammaplasty', Annals of plastic surgery, vol. 90, no. 6, pp. S533-S537.
Davis, TS & Potochny, JD 2023, 'The Northeastern Society of Plastic Surgeons: The First 40 Years', Annals of plastic surgery, vol. 90, no. 6, pp. S445-S446.


Massand, S, Butterfield, JA, Lee, CC, Ingraham, JM & Potochny, JD 2022, 'High Morbidity of Mycobacterial Infections Following Cosmetic Surgery Tourism', Infectious Diseases in Clinical Practice, vol. 30, no. 5.
McLaughlin, C, Hughes, AJ, Parham, CS, Fritsche, M, Potochny, JD, Kunselman, A & Ravnic, DJ 2022, 'Smooth Versus Textured Tissue Expander Breast Reconstruction: Complications and Efficacy', Annals of plastic surgery, vol. 88, no. 3, pp. S288-S292.
Vidt, ME, Heitzenrater, J, Dodge, D, Potochny, J, Widders, K, Paulishak, M, Ravnic, D, Henry, CR, Green, M, Kass, R & Schmitz, KH 2022, 'The role of physical arm function and demographic disparities in breast cancer survivors’ ability to return to work', Supportive Care in Cancer, vol. 30, no. 12, pp. 10301-10310.


Perdikis, G, Eaves, FF, Glassman, GE, Walker, S, Huang, LC, Mast, B, Damitz, L, Rubin, JP, Serletti, JM, Hansen, J, Potochny, J, Kenkel, J, Taub, PJ, Sobczyk, S, Gilman, RH, Saint-Cyr, MH & Cederna, P 2021, 'Aesthetic Surgery in Plastic Surgery Academia', Aesthetic Surgery Journal, vol. 41, no. 7, pp. 829-841.
Mankarious, M, Massand, S & Potochny, J 2021, 'Considerations for Elective Surgery in the Post-COVID-19 Patient', Aesthetic Surgery Journal, vol. 41, no. 10, pp. NP1347-NP1348.
Potochny, JD 2021, Gauging too much information: Discussing a young mother's options for reconstructive surgery. in Medical Humanities: Criticism and Creativity Breast Cancer Inside Out: Bodies, Biographies & Beliefs. Peter Lang AG, pp. 53-60.