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Todd Schell, PhD

Todd Schell, PhD

Professor, Department of Cell and Biological Systems
Scientific Program:Mechanisms of Carcinogenesis
Disease Teams:
Cancer Institute, Immunotherapy Team
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Clinical Trials

General Protocol for the Acquisition of Whole Blood for the Detection and Characterization of Circulating Tumor Cells and/or Tumor Specific Immunity/Immune Cell Activation for any Malignancy at any Stage of Disease
A Retrospective Evaluation to Understand how â-adrenergic Antagonism Impacts the Progression of Melanoma and the Efficacy of Standard Treatments Intended to Eliminate the Cancer

Recent Publications


Gowda, K, Raza, A, Vangala, V, Lone, NA, Lin, JM, Singh, JK, Srivastava, SK, Schell, TD, Robertson, GP, Amin, S & Sharma, AK 2024, 'Identification of Novel Isatin Derivative Bearing a Nitrofuran Moiety as Potent Multi-Isoform Aldehyde Dehydrogenase Inhibitor', Molecules, vol. 29, no. 13, 3114.
Chen, J, Hnath, B, Sha, CM, Beidler, L, Schell, TD & Dokholyan, NV 2024, 'Optogenetically engineered Septin-7 enhances immune cell infiltration of tumor spheroids', Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, vol. 121, no. 44, e2405717121.
Chen, YC, Gowda, K, Amin, S, Schell, TD, Sharma, AK & Robertson, GP 2024, 'Pharmacological agents targeting drug-tolerant persister cells in cancer', Pharmacological Research, vol. 203, 107163.
Demirsoy, S, Tran, H, Liu, J, Li, Y, Yang, S, Aregawi, D, Glantz, MJ, Jacob, NK, Walter, V, Schell, TD & Olmez, I 2024, 'Targeting Tyro3, Axl, and MerTK Receptor Tyrosine Kinases Significantly Sensitizes Triple-Negative Breast Cancer to CDK4/6 Inhibition', Cancers, vol. 16, no. 12, 2253.
Vangala, V, Chen, YC, Dinavahi, SS, Gowda, K, Lone, NA, Herlyn, M, Drabick, J, Helm, K, Zhu, J, Neves, RI, Sharma, AK, Berg, A, Archetti, M, Amin, S, Schell, TD & Robertson, GP 2024, 'Tumor Heterogeneity Shapes Survival Dynamics in Drug-Treated Cells, Revealing Size-Drifting Subpopulations', ACS Pharmacology and Translational Science, vol. 7, no. 11, pp. 3573-3584.


Jia, B, Zhao, C, Minagawa, K, Shike, H, Claxton, DF, Ehmann, WC, Rybka, WB, Mineishi, S, Wang, M, Schell, TD, Prabhu, KS, Paulson, RF, Zhang, Y, Shultz, LD & Zheng, H 2023, 'Acute Myeloid Leukemia Causes T Cell Exhaustion and Depletion in a Humanized Graft-versus-Leukemia Model', Journal of Immunology, vol. 211, no. 9, pp. 1426-1437.
Manni, A, Sun, YW, Schell, TD, Lutsiv, T, Thompson, H, Chen, KM, Aliaga, C, Zhu, J & El-Bayoumy, K 2023, 'Complementarity between Microbiome and Immunity May Account for the Potentiating Effect of Quercetin on the Antitumor Action of Cyclophosphamide in a Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Model', Pharmaceuticals, vol. 16, no. 10, 1422.
Joshi, M, Tuanquin, L, Zhu, J, Walter, V, Schell, T, Kaag, M, Kilari, D, Liao, J, Holder, SL, Emamekhoo, H, Sankin, A, Merrill, S, Zheng, H, Warrick, J, Hauke, R, Gartrel, B, Stein, M, Drabick, J, Degraff, DJ & Zakharia, Y 2023, 'Concurrent durvalumab and radiation therapy (DUART) followed by adjuvant durvalumab in patients with localized urothelial cancer of bladder: Results from phase II study, BTCRC-GU15-023', Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer, vol. 11, no. 2, e006551.
Elcheva, IA, Gowda, CP, Bogush, D, Gornostaeva, S, Fakhardo, A, Sheth, N, Kokolus, KM, Sharma, A, Dovat, S, Uzun, Y, Schell, TD & Spiegelman, VS 2023, 'IGF2BP family of RNA-binding proteins regulate innate and adaptive immune responses in cancer cells and tumor microenvironment', Frontiers in immunology, vol. 14, 1224516.
Brendle, SA, Li, JJ, Walter, V, Schell, T, Kozak, M, Balogh, KK, Lu, S, Christensen, ND, Zhu, Y, El-Bayoumy, K & Hu, J 2023, 'Immune Responses in Oral Papillomavirus Clearance in the MmuPV1 Mouse Model', Pathogens, vol. 12, no. 12, 1452.
Yeware, A, Helton, A, Dong, Y, Dong, C, Pritchard, J, Mineishi, S, Minagawa, K, Schell, T & Hayes, D 2023, 'Novel fourth generation-like CARmiR cells release therapeutic miRNA via exosomes and enhance glioblastoma cell killing activity', Biochemical Engineering Journal, vol. 199, 109068.
Pandya Shesh, B, Walter, V, Palsa, K, Slagle-Webb, B, Neely, E, Schell, T & Connor, JR 2023, 'Sexually dimorphic effect of H-ferritin genetic manipulation on survival and tumor microenvironment in a mouse model of glioblastoma', Journal of neuro-oncology, vol. 164, no. 3, pp. 569-586.


Lü, J, Jiang, C, Schell, TD, Joshi, M, Raman, JD & Xing, C 2022, 'Angelica gigas: Signature Compounds, In Vivo Anticancer, Analgesic, Neuroprotective and Other Activities, and the Clinical Translation Challenges', American Journal of Chinese Medicine, vol. 50, no. 6, pp. 1475-1527.
Dhanyamraju, PK, Schell, TD, Amin, S & Robertson, GP 2022, 'Drug-Tolerant Persister Cells in Cancer Therapy Resistance', Cancer Research, vol. 82, no. 14, pp. 2503-2514.
Zhang, R, Neighbors, JD, Schell, TD & Hohl, RJ 2022, 'Schweinfurthin induces ICD without ER stress and caspase activation', OncoImmunology, vol. 11, no. 1, 2104551.
Liu, X, Wills, CA, Chen, L, Zhang, J, Zhao, Y, Zhou, M, Sundstrom, JM, Schell, T, Spiegelman, VS, Young, MM & Wang, HG 2022, 'Small extracellular vesicles induce resistance to anti-GD2 immunotherapy unveiling tipifarnib as an adjunct to neuroblastoma immunotherapy', Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer, vol. 10, no. 4, e004399.


Jia, B, Zhao, C, Bayerl, M, Shike, H, Claxton, DF, Ehmann, WC, Mineishi, S, Schell, TD, Zheng, P, Zhang, Y, Shultz, LD, Prabhu, KS, Paulson, RF & Zheng, H 2022, 'A novel clinically relevant graft-versus-leukemia model in humanized mice', Journal of Leukocyte Biology, vol. 111, no. 2, pp. 427-437.