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Runze Li, PhD

Runze Li, PhD

Verne M. Willaman Professor, Statistics
Professor, Department of Public Health Sciences
Scientific Program:Cancer Control

Recent Publications


Lewis, MM, Mailman, RB, Cheng, XV, Du, G, Zhang, L, Li, C, De Jesus, S, Tabbal, SD, Li, R & Huang, X 2025, 'Clinical progression of Parkinson's disease in the early 21st century: Insights from the accelerating medicine partnership (AMP-PD) data', Parkinsonism and Related Disorders, vol. 130, 107186.


Yang, S, Zheng, S & Li, R 2024, 'A NEW TEST FOR HIGH-DIMENSIONAL TWO-SAMPLE MEAN PROBLEMS WITH CONSIDERATION OF CORRELATION STRUCTURE', Annals of Statistics, vol. 52, no. 5, pp. 2217-2240.
Yang, W, Liu, D, Bao, L & Li, R 2024, 'A likelihood approach to incorporating self-report data in HIV recency classification', Biometrics, vol. 80, no. 4, ujae147.
Li, R, Mu, J, Yang, S, Ye, C & Zhan, X 2024, 'Compositional variable selection in quantile regression for microbiome data with false discovery rate control', Statistical Analysis and Data Mining, vol. 17, no. 2, e11674.
Li, D, Li, R & Shang, HL 2024, 'DETECTION AND ESTIMATION OF STRUCTURAL BREAKS IN HIGH-DIMENSIONAL FUNCTIONAL TIME SERIES', Annals of Statistics, vol. 52, no. 4, pp. 1716-1740.
Cattaneo, MD, Fan, Y, Li, R & Song, R 2024, 'Data science in economics and finance: Introduction', Journal of Econometrics, vol. 239, no. 2, 105627.
Liu, J, Liao, Y & Li, R 2024, 'Generalized Varying Coefficient Mediation Models', Communications in Mathematics and Statistics.
Guo, X, Li, R, Zhang, Z & Zou, C 2024, 'Model-Free Statistical Inference on High-Dimensional Data', Journal of the American Statistical Association.
Wu, P, Han, S, Tong, X & Li, R 2024, 'PROPENSITY SCORE REGRESSION FOR CAUSAL INFERENCE WITH TREATMENT HETEROGENEITY', Statistica Sinica, vol. 34, no. 20, pp. 747-769.
Zhou, Y, Xu, K, Zhu, L & Li, R 2024, 'RANK-BASED INDICES FOR TESTING INDEPENDENCE BETWEEN TWO HIGH-DIMENSIONAL VECTORS', Annals of Statistics, vol. 52, no. 1, pp. 184-206.
Guo, X, Li, R, Liu, J & Zeng, M 2024, 'Reprint: Statistical inference for linear mediation models with high-dimensional mediators and application to studying stock reaction to COVID-19 pandemic', Journal of Econometrics, vol. 239, no. 2, 105650.
Zhao, A, Li, C, Li, R & Zhang, Z 2024, 'TESTING HIGH-DIMENSIONAL REGRESSION COEFFICIENTS IN LINEAR MODELS', Annals of Statistics, vol. 52, no. 5, pp. 2034-2058.
Li, R, Li, W & Wang, Q 2024, 'Tests for Large-Dimensional Shape Matrices via Tyler’s M Estimators', Journal of the American Statistical Association.
He, Z, Sun, Y, Liu, J & Li, R 2024, 'TransFusion: Covariate-Shift Robust Transfer Learning for High-Dimensional Regression', Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, vol. 238, pp. 703-711.
Zhang, Q, Yi, C, Destouni, G, Wohlfahrt, G, Kuzyakov, Y, Li, R, Kutter, E, Chen, D, Rietkerk, M, Manzoni, S, Tian, Z, Hendrey, G, Fang, W, Krakauer, N, Hugelius, G, Jarsjo, J, Han, J & Xu, S 2024, 'Water limitation regulates positive feedback of increased ecosystem respiration', Nature Ecology and Evolution, vol. 8, no. 10, pp. 1870-1876.


Nam, JK, Piper, ME, Tong, Z, Li, R, Yang, JJ, Jorenby, DE & Buu, A 2023, 'Dependence motives and use contexts that predicted smoking cessation and vaping cessation: A two-year longitudinal study with 13 waves', Drug and alcohol dependence, vol. 250, 110871.
Guo, X, Li, R, Liu, J & Zeng, M 2024, 'Estimations and Tests for Generalized Mediation Models with High-Dimensional Potential Mediators', Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, vol. 42, no. 1, pp. 243-256.
Zhong, W, Qian, C, Liu, W, Zhu, L & Li, R 2023, 'Feature Screening for Interval-Valued Response with Application to Study Association between Posted Salary and Required Skills', Journal of the American Statistical Association, vol. 118, no. 542, pp. 805-817.
Wen, J, Yang, S, Wang, CD, Jiang, Y & Li, R 2023, 'Feature-splitting algorithms for ultrahigh dimensional quantile regression', Journal of Econometrics.
Yang, X, Chen, J, Li, D & Li, R 2024, 'Functional-Coefficient Quantile Regression for Panel Data with Latent Group Structure', Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, vol. 42, no. 3, pp. 1026-1040.
Buu, A, Tong, Z, Cai, Z, Li, R, Yang, JJ, Jorenby, DE & Piper, ME 2023, 'Subtypes of Dual Users of Combustible and Electronic Cigarettes: Longitudinal Changes in Product Use and Dependence Symptomatology', Nicotine and Tobacco Research, vol. 25, no. 3, pp. 438-443.
Wang, J, Cai, X, Niu, X & Li, R 2024, 'Variable Selection for High-Dimensional Nodal Attributes in Social Networks with Degree Heterogeneity', Journal of the American Statistical Association, vol. 119, no. 546, pp. 1322-1335.


Coffman, DL, Dziak, JJ, Litson, K, Chakraborti, Y, Piper, ME & Li, R 2023, 'A Causal Approach to Functional Mediation Analysis with Application to a Smoking Cessation Intervention', Multivariate Behavioral Research, vol. 58, no. 5, pp. 859-876.
Cai, Z, Li, R & Zhang, Y 2022, 'A Distribution Free Conditional Independence Test with Applications to Causal Discovery', Journal of Machine Learning Research, vol. 23.
Chen, C, Wang, M, Wu, R & Li, R 2022, 'A ROBUST CONSISTENT INFORMATION CRITERION FOR MODEL SELECTION BASED ON EMPIRICAL LIKELIHOOD', Statistica Sinica, vol. 32, no. 3, pp. 1205-1223.
Bao, L, Li, C, Li, R & Yang, S 2022, 'Causal Structural Learning on MPHIA Individual Dataset', Journal of the American Statistical Association, vol. 117, no. 540, pp. 1642-1655.
Cai, Z, Xi, D, Zhu, X & Li, R 2022, 'Causal discoveries for high dimensional mixed data', Statistics in Medicine, vol. 41, no. 24, pp. 4924-4940.
Na, M, Dou, N, Liao, Y, Rincon, SJ, Francis, LA, Graham-Engeland, JE, Murray-Kolb, LE & Li, R 2022, 'Daily Food Insecurity Predicts Lower Positive and Higher Negative Affect: An Ecological Momentary Assessment Study', Frontiers in Nutrition, vol. 9, 790519.
Jimenez Rincon, S, Dou, N, Murray-Kolb, LE, Hudy, K, Mitchell, DC, Li, R & Na, M 2022, 'Daily food insecurity is associated with diet quality, but not energy intake, in winter and during COVID-19, among low-income adults', Nutrition Journal, vol. 21, no. 1, 19.
Cai, X, Coffman, DL, Piper, ME & Li, R 2022, 'Estimation and inference for the mediation effect in a time-varying mediation model', BMC Medical Research Methodology, vol. 22, no. 1, 113.
Guo, X, Li, R, Liu, J & Zeng, M 2022, 'High-Dimensional Mediation Analysis for Selecting DNA Methylation Loci Mediating Childhood Trauma and Cortisol Stress Reactivity', Journal of the American Statistical Association, vol. 117, no. 539, pp. 1110-1121.
Zeng, M, Liao, Y, Li, R & Sudjianto, A 2022, 'Local Linear Approximation Algorithm for Neural Network', Mathematics, vol. 10, no. 3, 494.
Tong, Z, Cai, Z, Yang, S & Li, R 2023, 'Model-Free Conditional Feature Screening with FDR Control', Journal of the American Statistical Association, vol. 118, no. 544, pp. 2575-2587.
Liu, W, Yu, X & Li, R 2022, 'Multiple-Splitting Projection Test for High-Dimensional Mean Vectors', Journal of Machine Learning Research, vol. 23.
Chen, Y, Wang, Y, Fang, EX, Wang, Z & Li, R 2024, 'Nearly Dimension-Independent Sparse Linear Bandit over Small Action Spaces via Best Subset Selection', Journal of the American Statistical Association, vol. 119, no. 545, pp. 246-258.
Yu, X, Li, D, Xue, L & Li, R 2023, 'Power-Enhanced Simultaneous Test of High-Dimensional Mean Vectors and Covariance Matrices with Application to Gene-Set Testing', Journal of the American Statistical Association, vol. 118, no. 544, pp. 2548-2561.
Liu, W, Yu, X, Zhong, W & Li, R 2024, 'Projection Test for Mean Vector in High Dimensions', Journal of the American Statistical Association, vol. 119, no. 545, pp. 744-756.
Chen, H, Zou, CL & Li, RZ 2022, 'Projection-based High-dimensional Sign Test', Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series, vol. 38, no. 4, pp. 683-708.
Li, C, Li, R, Wen, J, Yang, S & Zhan, X 2023, 'Regularized Linear Programming Discriminant Rule with Folded Concave Penalty for Ultrahigh-Dimensional Data', Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, vol. 32, no. 3, pp. 1074-1082.
Guo, X, Li, R, Liu, J & Zeng, M 2023, 'Statistical inference for linear mediation models with high-dimensional mediators and application to studying stock reaction to COVID-19 pandemic', Journal of Econometrics, vol. 235, no. 1, pp. 166-179.
Brown, G, Du, G, Farace, E, Lewis, MM, Eslinger, PJ, McInerney, J, Kong, L, Li, R, Huang, X & De Jesus, S 2022, 'Subcortical Iron Accumulation Pattern May Predict Neuropsychological Outcomes after Subthalamic Nucleus Deep Brain Stimulation: A Pilot Study', Journal of Parkinson's Disease, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 851-863.
Li, R, Xu, K, Zhou, Y & Zhu, L 2023, 'Testing the Effects of High-Dimensional Covariates via Aggregating Cumulative Covariances', Journal of the American Statistical Association, vol. 118, no. 543, pp. 2184-2194.
Yang, JJ, Lin, HC, Ou, TS, Tong, Z, Li, R, Piper, ME & Buu, A 2022, 'The situational contexts and subjective effects of co-use of electronic cigarettes and alcohol among college students: An ecological momentary assessment (EMA) study', Drug and alcohol dependence, vol. 239, 109594.
Guo, X, Ren, H, Zou, C & Li, R 2023, 'Threshold Selection in Feature Screening for Error Rate Control', Journal of the American Statistical Association, vol. 118, no. 543, pp. 1773-1785.
Ren, H, Zou, C & Li, R 2022, '大规模数据分析中基于外推的调节参数选取', Scientia Sinica Mathematica, vol. 52, no. 6, pp. 689-708.


Huang, Y, Li, C, Li, R & Yang, S 2022, 'An overview of tests on high-dimensional means', Journal of Multivariate Analysis, vol. 188, 104813.
Li, Z, Wang, Q & Li, R 2021, 'Central limit theorem for linear spectral statistics of large dimensional Kendall's rank correlation matrices and its applications', Annals of Statistics, vol. 49, no. 3, pp. 1569-1593.
Nandy, D, Chiaromonte, F & Li, R 2022, 'Covariate Information Number for Feature Screening in Ultrahigh-Dimensional Supervised Problems', Journal of the American Statistical Association.
Huang, D, Zhu, X, Li, R & Wang, H 2021, 'Feature screening for network autoregression model', Statistica Sinica, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 1239-1259.
Li, C, Wang, X, Du, G, Chen, H, Brown, G, Lewis, MM, Yao, T, Li, R & Huang, X 2021, 'Folded concave penalized learning of high-dimensional MRI data in Parkinson's disease', Journal of Neuroscience Methods, vol. 357, 109157.
Xiao, D, Ke, Y & Li, R 2021, 'Homogeneity structure learning in large-scale panel data with heavy-tailed errors', Journal of Machine Learning Research, vol. 22.
Li, M, Li, R & Ma, Y 2021, 'Inference in high dimensional linear measurement error models', Journal of Multivariate Analysis, vol. 184, 104759.
Zou, T, Lan, W, Li, R & Tsai, CL 2022, 'Inference on covariance-mean regression', Journal of Econometrics, vol. 230, no. 2, pp. 318-338.
Guo, X, Li, R, Liu, W & Zhu, L 2022, 'Stable correlation and robust feature screening', Science China Mathematics, vol. 65, no. 1, pp. 153-168.
Parikh, RB, Liu, M, Li, E, Li, R & Chen, J 2021, 'Trajectories of mortality risk among patients with cancer and associated end-of-life utilization', npj Digital Medicine, vol. 4, no. 1, 104.
Buu, A, Cai, Z, Li, R, Wong, SW, Lin, HC, Su, WC, Jorenby, DE & Piper, ME 2021, 'Validating E-Cigarette Dependence Scales Based on Dynamic Patterns of Vaping Behaviors', Nicotine and Tobacco Research, vol. 23, no. 9, pp. 1484-1489.
Wang, J, Cai, X & Li, R 2021, 'Variable selection for partially linear models via Bayesian subset modeling with diffusing prior', Journal of Multivariate Analysis, vol. 183, 104733.
Liao, Y, Liu, J, Coffman, DL & Li, R 2022, 'Varying Coefficient Mediation Model and Application to Analysis of Behavioral Economics Data', Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, vol. 40, no. 4, pp. 1759-1771.