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Robert Paulson, PhD

Robert Paulson, PhD

Professor of Veterinary Science, Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences
Scientific Program:Mechanisms of Carcinogenesis

Recent Publications


Gong, H, Bai, Y, Rahoi, D, Paulson, RF & Prabhu, KS 2025, 'The Impact of Sodium Selenite and Seleno-L-Methionine on Stress Erythropoiesis in a Murine Model of Hemolytic Anemia', Journal of Nutrition, vol. 155, no. 2, pp. 540-548.


Arora, J, Froelich, NE, Tang, M, Weaver, V, Paulson, RF & Cantorna, MT 2024, 'Developmental Vitamin D Deficiency and the Vitamin D Receptor Control Hematopoiesis', Journal of Immunology, vol. 213, no. 10, pp. 1479-1487.


Qian, F, Nettleford, SK, Zhou, J, Arner, BE, Hall, MA, Sharma, A, Annageldiyev, C, Rossi, RM, Tukaramrao, DB, Sarkar, D, Hegde, S, Gandhi, UH, Finch, ER, Goodfield, L, Quickel, MD, Claxton, DF, Paulson, RF & Prabhu, KS 2023, 'Activation of GPR44 decreases severity of myeloid leukemia via specific targeting of leukemia initiating stem cells', Cell Reports, vol. 42, no. 7, 112794.
Jia, B, Zhao, C, Minagawa, K, Shike, H, Claxton, DF, Ehmann, WC, Rybka, WB, Mineishi, S, Wang, M, Schell, TD, Prabhu, KS, Paulson, RF, Zhang, Y, Shultz, LD & Zheng, H 2023, 'Acute Myeloid Leukemia Causes T Cell Exhaustion and Depletion in a Humanized Graft-versus-Leukemia Model', Journal of Immunology, vol. 211, no. 9, pp. 1426-1437.
Maria, NI, Papoin, J, Raparia, C, Sun, Z, Josselsohn, R, Lu, A, Katerji, H, Syeda, MM, Polsky, D, Paulson, R, Kalfa, T, Barnes, BJ, Zhang, W, Blanc, L & Davidson, A 2023, 'Human TLR8 induces inflammatory bone marrow erythromyeloblastic islands and anemia in SLE-prone mice', Life Science Alliance, vol. 6, no. 10, e202302241.
Qian, F, Arner, BE, Nettleford, SK, Paulson, RF & Prabhu, KS 2023, 'Intra-Peritoneal Transplantation for Generating Acute Myeloid Leukemia in Mice', Journal of Visualized Experiments, vol. 2023, no. 191, e64834.
Ruan, B & Paulson, RF 2023, 'Metabolic regulation of stress erythropoiesis, outstanding questions, and possible paradigms', Frontiers in Physiology, vol. 13, 1063294.


Qian, F, Arner, BE, Kelly, KM, Annageldiyev, C, Sharma, A, Claxton, DF, Paulson, RF & Prabhu, KS 2022, 'Interleukin-4 treatment reduces leukemia burden in acute myeloid leukemia', FASEB Journal, vol. 36, no. 5, e22328.


Jia, B, Zhao, C, Bayerl, M, Shike, H, Claxton, DF, Ehmann, WC, Mineishi, S, Schell, TD, Zheng, P, Zhang, Y, Shultz, LD, Prabhu, KS, Paulson, RF & Zheng, H 2022, 'A novel clinically relevant graft-versus-leukemia model in humanized mice', Journal of Leukocyte Biology, vol. 111, no. 2, pp. 427-437.