Melissa Jean Bopp, PhD - Penn State Cancer Institute
Researcher Profile

Melissa Jean Bopp, PhD
Professor, Kinesiology
Associate Professor, Kinesiology
Associate Professor, Kinesiology
Scientific Program:Cancer Control
Recent Publications
Peterson, KT, Wilson, OWA, Herrick, SSC, Frederick, GM, Fedewa, MV, Sullivan, K & Bopp, M 2024, 'A Scoping Review of Physical Activity Interventions Among Sexual Minority Adults: A Call to Action for Future Research', Journal of Physical Activity and Health, vol. 21, no. 12, pp. 1286-1295.
Elliott, LD, Lieberman, M, Rovniak, LS, Bose, M, Holmes, L & Bopp, M 2024, 'Barriers and strategies to implementing safe routes to school programs within disadvantaged communities: Interviews with state-level representatives', Journal of Transport and Health, vol. 36, 101800.
Bopp, M, Elliott, LD, Peterson, KT, Duffey, M & Wilson, OWA 2024, 'Domain matters: An examination of college student physical activity participation patterns by gender and race/ethnicity', Journal of American College Health.
Elliott, LD, McLeod, K & Bopp, M 2024, 'How do complete streets policies and legislative ordinances implement explicit wording regarding low-income populations and communities of color? A qualitative analysis', Cities, vol. 155, 105443.
Wilson, OWA, Ryerson, N, Duffey, M & Bopp, M 2024, 'Muscle-strengthening activity is associated with total alcohol consumption and binge drinking among U.S. college students', Journal of American College Health.
Jasso, F, Elliott, LD & Bopp, M 2024, 'Planning for everyone? An examination of state bike plans for equity related content', Cities, vol. 149, 104923.
Peterson, KT & Bopp, M 2024, 'Reducing LGBTQ+ Physical Activity Disparities Through Improved Measurement and Inclusion of Sexual Orientation in US National Data Sets', Journal of Physical Activity and Health, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 7-8.
Dzieniszewski, E, Myers, AN, Elliott, LD & Bopp, M 2024, 'Skills and Hills: Factors that Influence Women’s and Non-Binary College Students’ Decisions to Commute Via Bicycle', International Journal of Exercise Science, vol. 17, no. 8, pp. 1003-1015.
Taylor, S, Martin, J, Wilson, OWA, Elliot, L & Bopp, M 2024, 'The Impact of Physical Activity Enjoyment, Exercise Self-Efficacy, Recording Physical Activity, and Exercise Goal Setting on Physical Activity Levels of College Students', Recreational Sports Journal.
Peterson, KT & Bopp, M 2024, 'Where’s the Joy in That? Sexual Minority College Students Report Lower Physical Activity Engagement and Enjoyment Compared to Heterosexual Students', Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport.
Peterson, KT, Bopp, M, Frederick, GM, Powers, SL & Wilson, OWA 2023, 'Campus Recreation Amenity Use Differences by Sexual Orientation Among US College Students', Recreational Sports Journal, vol. 47, no. 2, pp. 118-125.
Rovniak, LS, Cho, JAY, Freivalds, A, Kong, LAN, De Araujo-Greecher, M, Bopp, M, Sciamanna, CN & Rothrock, L 2023, 'Effects of Desk Pedaling Work Rate on Concurrent Work Performance among Physically Inactive Adults: A Randomized Experiment', Medicine and science in sports and exercise, vol. 55, no. 1, pp. 20-31.
Bopp, M, Bose, M, Elliott, LD, Washington, N & Needer, P 2023, 'Neighborhood Assessment of the Environment for Physical Activity: Engaging Adolescents Within an Under-resourced Community', Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 665-677.
Wilson, OWA, Elliott, LD, Cardinal, BJ, Duffey, M & Bopp, M 2023, 'Physical Activity Behaviors and Campus Recreation Use of Students Enrolled in Summer Transition Programs at a Large Northeastern United States University', Recreational Sports Journal, vol. 47, no. 1, pp. 67-73.
Elliott, LD & Bopp, M 2024, 'Success and Challenges of Community Bicycle Advocacy Organizations in Reaching Underserved Populations', Community Health Equity Research and Policy, vol. 45, no. 1, pp. 3-11.
Wilson, OWA, Powers, SL, Frederick, GM, Peterson, KT & Bopp, M 2023, 'Transgender and Nonbinary College Student Inclusivity in Campus Recreation: Perceptions of North American Staff', Recreational Sports Journal, vol. 47, no. 1, pp. 74-80.
Elliott, LD, Lieberman, M, Rovniak, LS, Bose, M, Holmes, LM & Bopp, M 2023, 'What are States Doing to Encourage Safe Routes to School Programming in Disadvantaged Communities? Findings From a U.S. Mixed-Methods Survey', Transportation Research Record, vol. 2677, no. 5, pp. 1151-1163.
Elliott, LD & Bopp, M 2022, 'Bicycle advocacy organizations and coalitions’ capacity for equitable programming: Findings from a national survey', Journal of Transport and Health, vol. 25, 101367.
Powers, SL, Wilson, OWA & Bopp, M 2022, 'Challenges Faced and Solutions Implemented in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic among North American College Campus Recreation Staff', Recreational Sports Journal, vol. 46, no. 1, pp. 3-15.
Sciamanna, CN, Ballentine, NH, Bopp, M, Chinchilli, VM, Ciccolo, JT, Delauter, G, Fisher, A, Fox, EJ, Jan De Beur, SM, Kearcher, K, Kraschnewski, JL, Lehman, E, McTigue, KM, McAuley, E, Paranjape, A, Rodriguez-Colon, S, Rovniak, LS, Rutt, K, Smyth, JM, Stewart, KJ, Stuckey, HL & Tsay, A 2022, 'Correction to: Working to increase stability through exercise (WISE): screening, recruitment, and baseline characteristics (Trials, (2021), 22, 1, (809), 10.1186/s13063-021-05761-0)', Trials, vol. 23, no. 1, 34.
Panza, M, Redman, G, Vierimaa, M, Vella, SA, Bopp, M & Evans, MB 2022, 'Developing and evaluating a peer-based mental health literacy intervention with adolescent athletes', PloS one, vol. 17, no. 12 December, e0274761.
Elliott, LD, Tran, B, Dzieniszewski, E, Duffey, M, Wilson, OWA & Bopp, M 2024, 'Differences in United States college student physical activity and exercise self-efficacy based on gender and race/ethnicity', Journal of American College Health, vol. 72, no. 6, pp. 1678-1683.
Bhuiyan, N, McNeill, LH, Bopp, M, Downs, DS & Mama, SK 2022, 'Fostering spirituality and psychosocial health through mind-body practices in underserved populations', Integrative Medicine Research, vol. 11, no. 1, 100755.
Bopp, M, Wilson, OWA, Elliott, LD, Holland, KE, Duffey, M & Papalia, Z 2023, 'Gender and race/ethnicity differences in occupational activity among students', Archives of Environmental and Occupational Health, vol. 78, no. 3, pp. 170-176.
Baker, K, Bopp, M, Bulger, SM, Chen, YC, Duffey, ML, Myers, B, Voelker, DK & Woodard, KF 2022, 'Kinesiology Faculty Reflections on COVID-19 and Future Directions in Online Education', Kinesiology Review, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 303-310.
Elliott, LD, Wilson, OWA, Duffey, M & Bopp, M 2022, 'Participation in Higher Intensity Physical Activity Predicts Lower Depressive Symptom Incidence in College Students', International Journal of Exercise Science, vol. 15, no. 7, pp. 667-675.
Brooks, EM, Wilson, OWA, Elliott, LD, Duffey, M & Bopp, M 2022, 'Physical Activity is Related to Mental Health and Sexual Orientation Among Women in College', International Journal of Exercise Science, vol. 15, no. 5, pp. 1347-1356.
Wilson, OWA, Powers, SL & Bopp, M 2022, 'Policies and Practices for Equity: Perspectives of Campus Recreation Staff in North America', Recreational Sports Journal, vol. 46, no. 2, pp. 152-165.
Wilson, OWA, Gouda, D, Cardinal, BJ, Holland, KE, Elliott, LD, Duffey, M & Bopp, M 2024, 'Power 5 conference institutions’ summer transition program physical activity promotion efforts: A review', Journal of American College Health, vol. 72, no. 3, pp. 661-664.
Wilson, OWA, Bullen, C, Duffey, M & Bopp, M 2024, 'The association between vaping and health behaviors among undergraduate college students in the United States', Journal of American College Health, vol. 72, no. 5, pp. 1360-1364.
Elliott, LD, Peterson, KT, Dzieniszewski, E, Wilson, OWA & Bopp, M 2022, 'The intersection of gender identity, sexual orientation, and active transportation behavior: An exploratory study', Journal of Transport and Health, vol. 26, 101477.
Elliott, LD, McLeod, K & Bopp, M 2022, 'U.S. complete streets initiatives are lacking explicit language surrounding various demographic populations: A call to action', Transport Policy, vol. 123, pp. 40-43.
Elliott, LD & Bopp, M 2024, 'United States’ universities are forgetting about equitable bicycle programming on campus', Journal of American College Health, vol. 72, no. 8, pp. 2922-2931.
Wilson, OWA, Panza, MJ, Evans, MB & Bopp, M 2021, 'A scoping review on college student physical activity: How do researchers measure activity and examine inequities?', Journal of Physical Activity and Health, vol. 18, no. 6, pp. 728-736.
Bopp, M, Wilson, O, Elliott, L, Papalia, Z & Duffey, M 2022, 'Association between active transport habits and physical activity levels in a diverse sample of college students in the United States', Journal of Public Health (Germany), vol. 30, no. 6, pp. 1577-1581.
Bopp, M, Mama, SK, Wilson, OWA & Elliott, LD 2022, 'Breaking down race-related barriers to recreational cycling: experiences from diverse cycling groups', World Leisure Journal, vol. 64, no. 2, pp. 166-179.
Alessio, HM, Bassett, DR, Bopp, MJ, Parr, BB, Patch, GS, Rankin, JW, Rojas-Rueda, D, Roti, MW & Wojcik, JR 2021, 'Climate Change, Air Pollution, and Physical Inactivity: Is Active Transportation Part of the Solution?', Medicine and science in sports and exercise, vol. 53, no. 6, pp. 1170-1178.
Wilson, OWA, Jones, BA & Bopp, M 2021, 'College student aerobic and muscle-strengthening activity: Disparities between cis-gender and transgender students in the United States', Journal of American College Health.
Wilson, OWA, Bhuiyan, N & Bopp, M 2023, 'Factors contributing to gender inequities in physical activity and campus recreation facility use', Journal of American College Health, vol. 71, no. 7, pp. 2225-2233.
Wilson, OWA, Jones, H, Mama, SK, Guthrie, H, Papalia, Z, Duffey, M & Bopp, M 2021, 'Female college student weight perception discordance', Journal of American College Health, vol. 69, no. 1, pp. 23-29.
Piatkowski, D & Bopp, M 2021, 'Increasing Bicycling for Transportation: A Systematic Review of the Literature', Journal of Urban Planning and Development, vol. 147, no. 2, 04021019.
Knudson, D & Bopp, M 2021, 'Measuring Learning and Promoting Academic Integrity in Online Instruction', Kinesiology Review, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 436-442.
Wilson, OWA, Holland, K, Bopp, CM & Bopp, M 2023, 'The apparent need for better communication between clinicians and patients regarding elevated blood pressure among United States emerging adults', Journal of American College Health, vol. 71, no. 9, pp. 2623-2627.
Kim, J, Mowen, A, Hickerson, B, Graefe, A & Bopp, M 2021, 'The association of cultural and environmental factors with mental health among Asian immigrants', International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 464-473.
Wilson, OWA, Holland, KE, Elliott, LD, Duffey, M & Bopp, M 2021, 'The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on US college students’ physical activity and mental health', Journal of Physical Activity and Health, vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 272-278.
Elliott, LD, Wilson, OWA & Bopp, M 2023, 'University bicycle programming capacity for underrepresented student populations: Pedaling toward equitable opportunities', Journal of American College Health, vol. 71, no. 9, pp. 2876-2885.
Elliott, LD, Wilson, OWA, Holland, KE & Bopp, M 2021, 'Using Exercise as a Stress Management Technique During the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Differences Between Men and Women in College', International Journal of Exercise Science, vol. 14, no. 5, pp. 1234-1246.
Ryerson, NC, Wilson, OWA, Pena, A, Duffy, M & Bopp, M 2021, 'What happens when the party moves home? The effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on U.S. college student alcohol consumption as a function of legal drinking status using longitudinal data', Translational behavioral medicine, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 814-820.