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Researcher Profile

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Michael Creer, MD

Michael Creer, MD

Laurence M. Demers Professor in Pathology, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
Chief, Division of Clinical Pathology
Scientific Program:Mechanisms of Carcinogenesis

Recent Publications


Zhang, Y, Creer, M & Oladipo, O 2024, 'Reply to "dilute Russell viper venom time interpretation: Influence of lot changes and normalization"', American journal of clinical pathology, vol. 162, no. 4, pp. 429-430.
Zhang, Y, Creer, M & Oladipo, OO 2024, 'To normalize or not? Dilute Russell viper venom time testing', American journal of clinical pathology, vol. 161, no. 6, pp. 521-525.


Zhu, Y, Feldman, S, Leung, SOA, Creer, MH, Warrick, J, Williams, N & Mastorides, S 2023, 'AACC Guidance Document on Cervical Cancer Detection: Screening, Surveillance, and Diagnosis', Journal of Applied Laboratory Medicine, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 382-406.
Barbhuiya, MA, Livingston, R, Baranoski, S, Creer, MH & Oladipo, O 2023, 'Comparative analysis of platelet depleted plasma prepared on the Roche 8100 automation line and manually centrifuged platelet poor plasma for routine coagulation assays', Practical Laboratory Medicine, vol. 36, e00324.


Sempos, CT, Williams, EL, Carter, GD, Jones, J, Camara, JE, Burdette, CQ, Hahm, G, Nalin, F, Duewer, DL, Kuszak, AJ, Merkel, J, Hoofnagle, AN, Lukas, P, Cavalier, É, Durazo-Arvizu, RA, Crump, PM, Popp, C, Beckert, C, Schultess, J, Van Slooten, G, Tourneur, C, Pease, C, Kaul, R, Villarreal, A, Ivison, F, Fischer, R, van den Ouweland, JMW, Ho, CS, Law, EWK, Simard, JN, Gonthier, R, Holmquist, B, Batista, MC, Meadows, S, Cox, L, Jansen, E, Khan, DA, Robyak, K, Creer, MH, Kilbane, M, Twomey, PJ, Freeman, J, Parker, N, Yuan, J, Fitzgerald, R, Mushtaq, S, Clarke, MW, Breen, N, Simpson, C & Wise, SA 2022, 'Assessment of serum total 25-hydroxyvitamin D assays for Vitamin D External Quality Assessment Scheme (DEQAS) materials distributed at ambient and frozen conditions', Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, vol. 414, no. 2, pp. 1015-1028.


Camara, JE, Wise, SA, Hoofnagle, AN, Williams, EL, Carter, GD, Jones, J, Burdette, CQ, Hahm, G, Nalin, F, Kuszak, AJ, Merkel, J, Durazo-Arvizu, RA, Lukas, P, Cavalier, É, Popp, C, Beckert, C, Schultess, J, Van Slooten, G, Tourneur, C, Pease, C, Kaul, R, Villarreal, A, Ivison, F, Fischer, R, van den Ouweland, JMW, Ho, CS, Law, EWK, Simard, JN, Gonthier, R, Holmquist, B, Batista, MC, Pham, H, Bennett, A, Meadows, S, Cox, L, Jansen, E, Khan, DA, Robyak, K, Creer, MH, Kilbane, M, Twomey, PJ, Freeman, J, Parker, N, Yuan, J, Fitzgerald, R, Mushtaq, S, Clarke, MW, Breen, N, Simpson, C & Sempos, CT 2021, 'Assessment of serum total 25-hydroxyvitamin D assay commutability of Standard Reference Materials and College of American Pathologists Accuracy-Based Vitamin D (ABVD) Scheme and Vitamin D External Quality Assessment Scheme (DEQAS) materials: Vitamin D Standardization Program (VDSP) Commutability Study 2', Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, vol. 413, no. 20, pp. 5067-5084.
Wise, SA, Camara, JE, Burdette, CQ, Hahm, G, Nalin, F, Kuszak, AJ, Merkel, J, Durazo-Arvizu, RA, Williams, EL, Hoofnagle, AN, Ivison, F, Fischer, R, van den Ouweland, JMW, Ho, CS, Law, EWK, Simard, JN, Gonthier, R, Holmquist, B, Meadows, S, Cox, L, Robyak, K, Creer, MH, Fitzgerald, R, Clarke, MW, Breen, N, Lukas, P, Cavalier, É & Sempos, CT 2022, 'Interlaboratory comparison of 25-hydroxyvitamin D assays: Vitamin D Standardization Program (VDSP) Intercomparison Study 2 — Part 1 liquid chromatography – tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) assays — impact of 3-epi-25-hydroxyvitamin D3 on assay performance', Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, vol. 414, no. 1, pp. 333-349.