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Children (age < 18 years)
Adults (age >= 18 years)

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Liza Rovniak, PhD, MPH

Liza Rovniak, PhD, MPH

Associate Professor, Department of Medicine
Division of General Internal Medicine
Associate Professor, Department of Public Health Sciences
Scientific Program:Cancer Control

Recent Publications


Elliott, LD, Lieberman, M, Rovniak, LS, Bose, M, Holmes, L & Bopp, M 2024, 'Barriers and strategies to implementing safe routes to school programs within disadvantaged communities: Interviews with state-level representatives', Journal of Transport and Health, vol. 36, 101800.
Kuzmik, A, Liu, Y, Cuffee, Y, Kong, L, Sciamanna, CN & Rovniak, LS 2024, 'Friend Social Network Size Moderates the Association Between Age and Physical Activity Across Adulthood', International Journal of Exercise Science, vol. 17, no. 5, pp. 1068-1082.
Sciamanna, CN, Kurth, JD, Luzier, W, Conroy, DE, Calo, WA, Schmitz, K, Silvis, ML, Ballentine, NH, Zhou, S, Danilovich, M, Rovniak, LS, Moeller, M, Pierwola-Gawin, N, Kraschnewski, JL, Poger, J & Herrell, C 2024, 'Testing Interventions for Mobility through Exercise (TIME): Study protocol for a randomized trial comparing a novel, brief home-based exercise program and a standard home-based group exercise for older adults with mobility disability', Contemporary Clinical Trials, vol. 147, 107709.
Sanseverino, MA, Raabe Abitante, AC, Silva da Silva, MC, Rovniak, LS & de Lara Machado, W 2025, 'The Impact of Non-Labeled Response Categories of Rating Scales: An Example with Cross-Cultural Adaptation of Two Self-Regulation Scales for Exercise', Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 1-10.


Rao, P, Kazak, AE, Doerksen, SE, Koehly, LM, Verdery, AM, Heitzenrater, J, Harding, BA, Byrnes, CL, Costigan, HJ, Rovniak, LS, Sciamanna, CN, Van Scoy, LJ & Schmitz, KH 2023, 'AYA-UNITE: Lessons Learned on Intervention Development Promoting Social and Physical Health of Adolescent/Young Adult Cancer Survivors', Journal of Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology, vol. 12, no. 6, pp. 929-934.
Rovniak, LS, Cho, JAY, Freivalds, A, Kong, LAN, De Araujo-Greecher, M, Bopp, M, Sciamanna, CN & Rothrock, L 2023, 'Effects of Desk Pedaling Work Rate on Concurrent Work Performance among Physically Inactive Adults: A Randomized Experiment', Medicine and science in sports and exercise, vol. 55, no. 1, pp. 20-31.
Elliott, LD, Lieberman, M, Rovniak, LS, Bose, M, Holmes, LM & Bopp, M 2023, 'What are States Doing to Encourage Safe Routes to School Programming in Disadvantaged Communities? Findings From a U.S. Mixed-Methods Survey', Transportation Research Record, vol. 2677, no. 5, pp. 1151-1163.


Sciamanna, CN, Ballentine, NH, Bopp, M, Chinchilli, VM, Ciccolo, JT, Delauter, G, Fisher, A, Fox, EJ, Jan De Beur, SM, Kearcher, K, Kraschnewski, JL, Lehman, E, McTigue, KM, McAuley, E, Paranjape, A, Rodriguez-Colon, S, Rovniak, LS, Rutt, K, Smyth, JM, Stewart, KJ, Stuckey, HL & Tsay, A 2022, 'Correction to: Working to increase stability through exercise (WISE): screening, recruitment, and baseline characteristics (Trials, (2021), 22, 1, (809), 10.1186/s13063-021-05761-0)', Trials, vol. 23, no. 1, 34.
Kuzmik, A, Liu, Y, Cuffee, Y, Kong, L, Sciamanna, CN & Rovniak, LS 2022, 'The Association between Gender and Physical Activity Was Partially Mediated by Social Network Size during COVID-19', International journal of environmental research and public health, vol. 19, no. 5, 2495.


Ladwig, MA, Sciamanna, CN, Rutt, KN, Blaker, JM, Kearcher, K, Auer, BJ, Rovniak, LS, Conroy, DE, Gottschall, JS, Silvis, ML, Smyth, JM & Wang, M 2021, 'Adult outdoor group sport play during a pandemic: Feasibility, acceptability, and program adherence results from a study of modifications to mitigate COVID-19 risk', Preventive Medicine Reports, vol. 23, 101476.
Ladwig, MA, Sciamanna, CN, Rovniak, LS, Conroy, DE, Gottschall, JS, Silvis, ML, Smyth, JM, Wang, M & Auer, BJ 2021, 'Comparative effectiveness of an adult social physical play versus traditional group exercise program for adherence and fitness: Protocol for a randomized-controlled trial', Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications, vol. 21, 100736.
Sciamanna, CN, Ballentine, NH, Bopp, M, Chinchilli, VM, Ciccolo, JT, Delauter, G, Fisher, A, Fox, EJ, Jan De Beur, SM, Kearcher, K, Kraschnewski, JL, Lehman, E, McTigue, KM, McAuley, E, Paranjape, A, Rodriguez-Colon, S, Rovniak, LS, Rutt, K, Smyth, JM, Stewart, KJ, Stuckey, HL & Tsay, A 2021, 'Working to Increase Stability through Exercise (WISE): screening, recruitment, and baseline characteristics', Trials, vol. 22, no. 1, 809.