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Jennifer Kraschnewski, MD, MPH

Jennifer Kraschnewski, MD, MPH

Professor and Vice Chair for Research, Department of Medicine
Division of General Internal Medicine
Professor, Department of Public Health Sciences
Professor, Department of Pediatrics
Scientific Program:Cancer Control
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Recent Publications


Boakye, MDS, Miyamoto, S, Greenwood, D, Boltz, M, Kraschnewski, J & Van Haitsma, K 2025, 'Dear Health Care Professional: What People Need and Want When Diagnosed With Type 2 Diabetes', Clinical Diabetes, vol. 43, no. 1, pp. 148-155.


Soleymani, T, Lehman, EB, Kong, L, Poger, JM, Yeh, HC & Kraschnewski, JL 2024, 'Bariatric surgery and COVID-19 outcomes: results from the PaTH to Health: Diabetes study', Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases, vol. 20, no. 11, pp. 1039-1045.
D’Souza, GC, Kraschnewski, JL, Francis, E, Heilbrunn, E, Kong, L, Lehman, E, Osevala, N, Urso, J, Chamberlain, L, Suda, KM, McNeil, L & Calo, WA 2024, 'Implementation of COVID-19 infection control best practices in nursing homes amid the pandemic', BMC health services research, vol. 24, no. 1, 941.
Baker, S, Aumiller, B, Henao, MP, George, DR, Morales, T & Kraschnewski, J 2024, 'Integrating a Gamified Digital Application in Naturebased Settings to Improve Physical Activity and Health Outcomes Among Central Pennsylvanians: Using a Socioecological, Cross-disciplinary Guiding Framework', American Journal of Health Behavior, vol. 48, no. 1, pp. 113-121.
Behrens, LL, Kitt-Lewis, E, Boltz, M, Calo, WA, Lehman, E, Whitaker, J, Osevala, N, Van Haitsma, K, Van Scoy, LJ & Kraschnewski, JL 2024, 'Leadership Perspectives on Nursing Home Operations From Crisis to Control: A Mixed Methods Study', Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, vol. 25, no. 9, 105145.
Pinto, C, Risher, K, Calo, WA, Kraschnewski, J, Heilbrunn, E & Paules, CI 2024, 'Mpox Knowledge and Vaccine Willingness among a Representative Analysis of Adults in Pennsylvania', Infectious Diseases in Clinical Practice, vol. 32, no. 1, e1303.
Bufalini, CM, Kraschnewski, JL, Riley, TD, Wile, K, Spanos, K, Wong, A, Myrick, JG, Schaefer, EW & Calo, WA 2024, 'Stories to Prevent Cancer: A Pilot Study Using Cancer Survivor Narratives to Increase Human Papillomavirus Vaccine Intentions', Cancer Control, vol. 31.
Sciamanna, CN, Kurth, JD, Luzier, W, Conroy, DE, Calo, WA, Schmitz, K, Silvis, ML, Ballentine, NH, Zhou, S, Danilovich, M, Rovniak, LS, Moeller, M, Pierwola-Gawin, N, Kraschnewski, JL, Poger, J & Herrell, C 2024, 'Testing Interventions for Mobility through Exercise (TIME): Study protocol for a randomized trial comparing a novel, brief home-based exercise program and a standard home-based group exercise for older adults with mobility disability', Contemporary Clinical Trials, vol. 147, 107709.
Sekhar, DL, Hoke, AM, Khan, M, Gordon, PL, Conahan, EK & Kraschnewski, JL 2024, 'The adolescent health network: A unique approach to sustained adolescent stakeholder engagement', Journal of Clinical and Translational Science, vol. 8, no. 1, e116.
Lentes, JC, Taylor Gehman, AJ, Lengerich, EJ, Osetek, J, Veldheer, S, Gumby, A, Luquis, RR, Beiler, J & Kraschnewski, JL 2024, 'Training the Next Generation of Local Public Health Leaders: A Case Study of Community Health Organizers in Pennsylvania', Journal of Public Health Management and Practice, vol. 30, no. 6, pp. 853-856.


Kraschnewski, JL, Heilbrunn, ES, Calo, WA, Kong, L, Lehman, E, Hogentogler, E, Fisher, A, Osevala, N, Paules, CI, Whitaker, J, Urso, J, Chamberlain, L, Suda, KM, Stedjan, M & McNeil, L 2023, 'Accelerating guideline dissemination in nursing homes during the COVID-19 pandemic: A patient-centered randomized controlled trial', Geriatric Nursing, vol. 51, pp. 439-445.
Moss, JL, Stoltzfus, KC, Popalis, ML, Calo, WA & Kraschnewski, JL 2023, 'Assessing the use of constructs from the consolidated framework for implementation research in U.S. rural cancer screening promotion programs: a systematic search and scoping review', BMC health services research, vol. 23, no. 1, 48.
Nudy, M, Galper, K, George, D, Williams, BA, Kraschnewski, JL, Sinoway, L & Brignone, E 2023, 'Association between diseases of despair and atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease among insured adults in the USA: a retrospective cohort study from 2017 to 2021', BMJ open, vol. 13, no. 9, e074102.
Calo, WA, Aumiller, B, Murray, A, Crawford, L, Bermudez, M, Weaver, L, Henao, MP, Gray, NM, DeLoatch, V, Rivera-Collazo, D, Gomez, J & Kraschnewski, JL 2023, 'Expanding opportunities for chronic disease prevention for Hispanics: the Better Together REACH program in Pennsylvania', Frontiers in Public Health, vol. 11, 1134044.
Calo, WA, Shah, PD, Fogel, BN, Ruffin IV, MT, Moss, JL, Hausman, BL, Segel, JE, Francis, E, Schaefer, E, Bufalini, CM, Johnston, N, Hogentogler, E & Kraschnewski, JL 2023, 'Increasing the adoption of evidence-based communication practices for HPV vaccination in primary care clinics: The HPV ECHO study protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial', Contemporary Clinical Trials, vol. 131, 107266.
Kraschnewski, JL, Kong, L, Bryce, CL, Francis, EB, Poger, JM, Lehman, EB, Helbling, S, Soleymani, T, Mancoll, RE, Villalobos, V & Yeh, HC 2023, 'Intensive behavioral Therapy for weight loss in patients with, or At-Risk of, type 2 Diabetes: Results from the PaTH to health diabetes study', Preventive Medicine Reports, vol. 31, 102099.
Boakye, MDS, Miyamoto, S, Greenwood, D, Kraschnewski, J, Haitsma, KV & Boltz, M 2023, 'Pathway From Type 2 Diabetes Diagnosis to Action: How to Move People Forward', Diabetes Spectrum, vol. 36, no. 3, pp. 264-274.
for the PCORnet Bariatric Study Collaborative 2023, 'Preoperative Depression Status and 5 Year Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Outcomes in the PCORnet Bariatric Study Cohort', Annals of surgery, vol. 277, no. 4, pp. 637-646.
Boakye, MDS, Miyamoto, S, Greenwood, D, Van Haitsma, K, Boltz, M & Kraschnewski, J 2023, 'Remodeling Type 2 Diabetes Diagnosis: What Individuals Need for Success', Clinical Diabetes, vol. 41, no. 2, pp. 273-285.
Calo, WA, Hivner, EA, Hoke, AM, Bufalini, CM, Lehman, EB & Kraschnewski, JL 2023, 'The Healthy, Immunized Communities Study: A pilot intervention to increase parents’ intentions to get vaccines for their middle school children', Vaccine: X, vol. 13, 100273.
Paules, CI, Osevala, N, Lehman, E, Heilbrunn, ES, Francis, E, Hogentogler, RE, Kong, L & Kraschnewski, JL 2024, 'Underuse of SARS-CoV-2–Neutralizing Monoclonal Antibodies in Skilled Nursing Facilities', Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 290-295.
Forrest, LN, Waschbusch, DA, Pearl, AM, Bixler, EO, Sinoway, LI, Kraschnewski, JL, Liao, D & Saunders, EFH 2023, 'Urban vs. rural differences in psychiatric diagnoses, symptom severity, and functioning in a psychiatric sample', PloS one, vol. 18, no. 10 OCTOBER, e0286366.


Tate, DF, Kraschnewski, JL, Martinez, C, Diamond, M, Veldheer, S, Hwang, KO, Lehman, EB, Yang, C & Sciamanna, CN 2022, 'A cluster-randomized controlled trial of automated internet weight-loss programs in primary care: Role of automated provider feedback', Obesity, vol. 30, no. 12, pp. 2363-2375.
Sekhar, DL, Batra, E, Schaefer, EW, Walker-Harding, LR, Pattison, KL, Molinari, A, Rosen, P, Kraschnewski, JL & Waxmonsky, JG 2022, 'Adolescent Suicide Risk Screening: A Secondary Analysis of the SHIELD Randomized Clinical Trial', Journal of Pediatrics, vol. 251, pp. 172-177.
Llavona-Ortiz, JY, Spanos, KE, Kraschnewski, JL, D’Souza, G, Myrick, JG, Sznajder, KK & Calo, WA 2022, 'Associations Between Human Papillomavirus Vaccine Decisions and Exposure to Vaccine Information in Social Media', Cancer Control, vol. 29.
Kawasaki, S, Hwang, G, Buckner, K, Francis, E, Huffnagle, S, Kraschnewski, J, Vulgamore, P, Lucas, A, Barbour, J, Crawford, M, Thomas, L, Fuller, M, Meyers, J, Swartzentruber, G & Levine, R 2022, 'Collaborative health systems ECHO: The use of a tele-education platform to facilitate communication and collaboration with recipients of state targeted response funds in Pennsylvania', Substance Abuse, vol. 43, no. 1, pp. 892-900.
Sciamanna, CN, Ballentine, NH, Bopp, M, Chinchilli, VM, Ciccolo, JT, Delauter, G, Fisher, A, Fox, EJ, Jan De Beur, SM, Kearcher, K, Kraschnewski, JL, Lehman, E, McTigue, KM, McAuley, E, Paranjape, A, Rodriguez-Colon, S, Rovniak, LS, Rutt, K, Smyth, JM, Stewart, KJ, Stuckey, HL & Tsay, A 2022, 'Correction to: Working to increase stability through exercise (WISE): screening, recruitment, and baseline characteristics (Trials, (2021), 22, 1, (809), 10.1186/s13063-021-05761-0)', Trials, vol. 23, no. 1, 34.
Yeh, HC, Kraschnewski, JL, Kong, L, Lehman, EB, Heilbrunn, ES, Williams, P, Poger, JM, Francis, E & Bryce, CL 2022, 'Hospitalization and mortality in patients with COVID-19 with or at risk of type 2 diabetes: data from five health systems in Pennsylvania and Maryland', BMJ Open Diabetes Research and Care, vol. 10, no. 3, e002774.
Calo, WA, Francis, E, Kong, L, Hogentogler, R, Heilbrunn, E, Fisher, A, Hood, N & Kraschnewski, J 2022, 'Implementing Infection Control and Quality of Life Best Practices in Nursing Homes With Project ECHO: Protocol for a Patient-Centered Randomized Controlled Trial', JMIR Research Protocols, vol. 11, no. 5, e34480.
Calo, WA, Marin, E, Aumiller, B, Murray, A, Baptiste, C, Bermudez, M, Crawford, L, DeLoatch, V & Kraschnewski, JL 2022, 'Implementing Locally Tailored Strategies to Promote Redemption of Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program Vouchers Among WIC Participants in Central Pennsylvania', Health promotion practice, vol. 23, no. 1_suppl, pp. 100S-107S.
Marquis-Gravel, G, Faulkner, M, Merritt, G, Farrehi, P, Zemon, N, Robertson, HR, Jones, WS & Kraschnewski, J 2023, 'Importance of patient engagement in the conduct of pragmatic multicenter randomized controlled trials: The ADAPTABLE experience', Clinical Trials, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 31-35.
Ghahramani, N, Chinchilli, VM, Kraschnewski, JL, Lengerich, EJ & Sciamanna, CN 2022, 'Improving Caregiver Burden by a Peer-Led Mentoring Program for Caregivers of Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease: Randomized Controlled Trial', Journal of Patient Experience, vol. 9.
Hoke, AM, Kraschnewski, JL, Pileggi, F, Rosen, P & Sekhar, DL 2022, 'Leveraging Community-Engaged Research to Address Adolescent Depression with Pennsylvania Public Schools and Communities', Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 217-225.
Calo, WA, Lennon, RP, Ruffin IV, MT, Keller, C, Spanos, K, D'Souza, G & Kraschnewski, JL 2022, 'Support for HPV vaccine school-entry requirements in the United States: The role of exemption policies', Vaccine, vol. 40, no. 51, pp. 7426-7432.
Hoke, AM, Pattison, KL, Hivner, EA, Lehman, EB & Kraschnewski, JL 2022, 'The Role of Technical Assistance in School Wellness Policy Enhancement', Journal of School Health, vol. 92, no. 4, pp. 361-367.
Ramedani, S, George, DR, Leslie, DL & Kraschnewski, J 2022, 'The bystander effect: Impact of rural hospital closures on the operations and financial well-being of surrounding healthcare institutions', Journal of Hospital Medicine, vol. 17, no. 11, pp. 901-906.
Joshi, A, Pathare, A, Hameed, U, Hempel, E, McShane, M, Lehman, E, Diaz, A, Jain, A, Kraschnewski, J, Dallaghan, GB & Haidet, P 2023, 'Using the Project ECHO Model to Facilitate Mental Health Training in Graduate and Undergraduate Medical Education: Results from Two Pilot Programs', Academic Psychiatry, vol. 47, no. 4, pp. 416-421.


Gupta, N & Kraschnewski, J 2021, 'Addressing Public Health Needs With Health Technologies During COVID-19: A Medical Student Perspective', American journal of public health, vol. 111, no. 5, pp. 826-828.
Jones, WS, Mulder, H, Wruck, LM, Pencina, MJ, Kripalani, S, Muñoz, D, Crenshaw, DL, Effron, MB, Re, RN, Gupta, K, David Anderson, R, Pepine, CJ, Handberg, EM, Manning, BR, Jain, SK, Girotra, S, Riley, D, DeWalt, DA, Whittle, J, Goldberg, YH, Roger, VL, Hess, R, Benziger, CP, Farrehi, P, Zhou, L, Ford, DE, Haynes, K, VanWormer, JJ, Knowlton, KU, Kraschnewski, JL, Polonsky, TS, Fintel, DJ, Ahmad, FS, McClay, JC, Campbell, JR, Bell, DS, Fonarow, GC, Bradley, SM, Paranjape, A, Roe, MT, Robertson, HR, Curtis, LH, Sharlow, AG, Berdan, LG, Hammill, BG, Harris, DF, Qualls, LG, Marquis-Gravel, G, Modrow, MF, Marcus, GM, Carton, TW, Nauman, E, Waitman, LR, Kho, AN, Shenkman, EA, McTigue, KM, Kaushal, R, Masoudi, FA, Antman, EM, Davidson, DR, Edgley, K, Merritt, JG, Brown, LS, Zemon, DN, McCormick, TE, Alikhaani, JD, Gregoire, KC, Rothman, RL, Harrington, RA, Hernandez, AF & Sandu, OA 2021, 'Comparative effectiveness of aspirin dosing in cardiovascular disease', New England Journal of Medicine, vol. 384, no. 21, pp. 1981-1990.
Nyland, JE, Raja-Khan, NT, Bettermann, K, Haouzi, PA, Leslie, DL, Kraschnewski, JL, Parent, LJ & Grigson, PS 2021, 'Diabetes, Drug Treatment, and Mortality in COVID-19: A Multinational Retrospective Cohort Study', Diabetes, vol. 70, no. 12, pp. 2903-2916.
Ghahramani, N, Chinchilli, VM, Kraschnewski, JL, Lengerich, E & Sciamanna, CN 2021, 'Effect of Peer Mentoring on Quality of Life among CKD Patients: Randomized Controlled Trial', Kidney Diseases, vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 323-334.
Poger, JM, Murray, AE, Schoettler, EA, Marin, ES, Aumiller, BB & Kraschnewski, JL 2021, 'Enhancing community engagement in Patient-Centered Outcomes Research: Equipping learners to thrive in translational efforts', Journal of Clinical and Translational Science, vol. 5, no. 1, e172.
Nana-Sinkam, P, Kraschnewski, J, Sacco, R, Chavez, J, Fouad, M, Gal, T, AuYoung, M, Namoos, A, Winn, R, Sheppard, V, Corbie-Smith, G & Behar-Zusman, V 2021, 'Health disparities and equity in the era of COVID-19', Journal of Clinical and Translational Science, vol. 5, no. 1, e99.
Pilla, SJ, Kraschnewski, JL, Lehman, EB, Kong, L, Francis, E, Poger, JM, Bryce, CL, Maruthur, NM & Yeh, HC 2021, 'Hospital utilization for hypoglycemia among patients with type 2 diabetes using pooled data from six health systems', BMJ Open Diabetes Research and Care, vol. 9, e002153.
Hoke, AM, Stuckey, H, Keller, CM, Lu, Z, Hivner, EA, Calo, WA, Strick, JM & Kraschnewski, J 2021, 'In Their Own Words: Resources Needed by School Nurses to Facilitate Student Immunization Compliance', Journal of School Health, vol. 91, no. 3, pp. 218-226.
Leonard, KS, Adams, EL, Savage, JS, Paul, IM, Kraschnewski, JL, Pattison, KL, Kjerulff, KH & Symons Downs, D 2021, 'Influence of prenatal perceived stress on postpartum weight retention is mediated by high gestational weight gain in women with overweight', Clinical obesity, vol. 11, no. 3, e12446.
Spanos, KE, Kraschnewski, JL, Moss, JL, Wong, A & Calo, WA 2021, 'Parent support for social media standards combatting vaccine misinformation', Vaccine, vol. 39, no. 9, pp. 1364-1369.
Wong, A, Kraschnewski, JL, Spanos, KE, Fogel, B & Calo, WA 2021, 'Parental motivations for seeking second medical opinions for their child's HPV vaccine', Preventive Medicine Reports, vol. 24, 101550.
Bennett, WL, Bramante, CT, Rothenberger, SD, Kraschnewski, JL, Herring, SJ, Lent, MR, Clark, JM, Conroy, MB, Lehmann, H, Cappella, N, Gauvey-Kern, M, McCullough, J & McTigue, KM 2021, 'Patient recruitment into a multicenter clinical cohort linking electronic health records from 5 health systems: Cross-sectional analysis', Journal of medical Internet research, vol. 23, no. 5, e24003.
George, DR, Snyder, B, Van Scoy, LJ, Brignone, E, Sinoway, L, Sauder, C, Murray, A, Gladden, R, Ramedani, S, Ernharth, A, Gupta, N, Saran, S & Kraschnewski, J 2021, 'Perceptions of Diseases of Despair by Members of Rural and Urban High-Prevalence Communities: A Qualitative Study', JAMA network open, vol. 4, no. 7, 18134.
Hoke, AM, Keller, CM, Calo, WA, Sekhar, DL, Lehman, EB & Kraschnewski, JL 2021, 'School Nurse Perspectives on COVID-19', Journal of School Nursing, vol. 37, no. 4, pp. 292-297.
Sekhar, DL, Schaefer, EW, Waxmonsky, JG, Walker-Harding, LR, Pattison, KL, Molinari, A, Rosen, P & Kraschnewski, JL 2021, 'Screening in High Schools to Identify, Evaluate, and Lower Depression among Adolescents: A Randomized Clinical Trial', JAMA network open, vol. 4, no. 11, e2131836.
Musshafen, LA, Poger, JM, Simmons, WR, Hoke, AM, Hanson, LN, Bondurant, WW, McCullough, JR & Kraschnewski, JL 2021, 'Strengthening the clinical research workforce through a competency-based orientation program: Process outcomes and lessons learned across three academic health institutions', Journal of Clinical and Translational Science, vol. 5, no. 1, e178.
Lee, YJ, Brazile, T, Galbiati, F, Hamm, M, Bryce, C, Jain, S, Kraschnewski, J & McTigue, K 2021, 'Understanding shared decision-making experience among vulnerable population: Focus group with food bank clients', Journal of Clinical and Translational Science, vol. 5, no. 1, e37.
Kraschnewski, J, Yeh, HC, Francis, E, Kong, L, Lehman, E, Rovito, S, Poger, J & Bryce, C 2021, 'Utilization of intensive behavioural treatment for obesity in patients with diabetes', Clinical obesity, vol. 11, no. 1, e12426.
Stuckey, H, Hivner, EA, Kraschnewski, JL, Molinari, AM, Costigan, HJ & Sekhar, DL 2021, '“I wouldn't even know what to do,” Adolescent and Parent Perspectives on Identifying, Understanding, and Seeking Help for Adolescent Depression', Psychiatric Quarterly, vol. 92, no. 4, pp. 1459-1472.