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Clinical Trial External Search

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An error occurred while processing the template.
The following has evaluated to null or missing:
==> webLink.type  [in template "11395114#11395144#11819959" at line 61, column 50]

Tip: It's the step after the last dot that caused this error, not those before it.
Tip: If the failing expression is known to legally refer to something that's sometimes null or missing, either specify a default value like myOptionalVar!myDefault, or use <#if myOptionalVar??>when-present<#else>when-missing</#if>. (These only cover the last step of the expression; to cover the whole expression, use parenthesis: (!myDefault, (

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: #switch webLink.type  [in template "11395114#11395144#11819959" at line 61, column 41]
1<#assign onCoreSearchUrl = propsUtil.get("")!"/" /> 
2<div id="${researcherDisplayNamespace}logoPrintAppend" style="display:none;margin:50px;"> 
3    <img id="${researcherDisplayNamespace}logoPrintAppendImg" src="" /> 
5<#if researcher?has_content> 
6    <div class="outerContainer" itemscope itemtype=""> 
7        <div class="researcher-display-main"> 
8            <div class="row researcher-detail"> 
9                <div class="col-12 col-md-3"> 
10                    <img alt="${researcherFullNameWithTitle}" class="researcher-profile-image img-fluid" src="${researcher.pshProfileImageUrl}" itemprop="image"/> 
11                </div> 
12                <div class="col-12 col-md-6"> 
13                    <h2 itemprop="name" class="profile-researcher-name">${researcherFullNameWithTitle}</h2> 
14                    <#if researchOrgAssocs?has_content> 
15                        <div class="profile-detail-entry"> 
16                            <div class="profile-detail-entry-list"> 
17                                <#list researchOrgAssocs as researchOrgAssoc> 
18                                    <#assign researcherOrgTitle = "" /> 
19                                    <#if researchOrgAssoc.jobDescription?has_content > 
20                                        <#assign researcherOrgTitle = researchOrgAssoc.jobDescription /> 
21                                    </#if> 
22                                    <#if researchOrgAssoc.jobDescription?has_content && researchOrgAssoc.researchOrgName?has_content > 
23                                        <#assign researcherOrgTitle = researcherOrgTitle + ", " /> 
24                                    </#if> 
25                                    <#if researchOrgAssoc.researchOrgName?has_content > 
26                                        <#assign researcherOrgTitle = researcherOrgTitle + researchOrgAssoc.researchOrgName /> 
27                                    </#if>                                     
28                                    <span itemprop="jobTitle">${researcherOrgTitle}</span><br/> 
29                                </#list> 
30                            </div> 
31                        </div> 
32                    </#if> 
33                    <#if researcher.scientificProgramName?has_content> 
34                        <div class="profile-detail-entry"> 
35                            <span class="profile-detail-label">Scientific Program:</span><span class="profile-detail-value" itemprop="affiliation">${researcher.scientificProgramName}</span> 
36                        </div> 
37                    </#if> 
38                    <#if diseaseTeamDtos?has_content> 
39                        <div class="profile-detail-entry"> 
40                            <span class="profile-detail-label">Disease Teams:</span> 
41                            <div class="profile-detail-entry-list"> 
42                                <#list diseaseTeamDtos as diseaseTeamDto> 
43                                    <span itemprop="affiliation">${}</span><br/> 
44                                </#list> 
45                            </div> 
46                        </div> 
47                    </#if> 
48                    <#if> 
49                        <div class="profile-detail-entry"> 
50                            <i class="fas fa-envelope profile-detail-icon"></i><span class="profile-detail-value" itemprop="email"><a href="mailto:${}">${}</a></span> 
51                        </div> 
52                    </#if> 
53                    <#if webLinks?has_content> 
54                        <div class="profile-detail-entry"> 
55                            <#if webLinks?size == 1> 
56                                <i class="fas fa-link profile-detail-icon"></i><span class="profile-detail-value"><a href="${webLinks?first.url}" target="_blank">View Website</a></span> 
57                            <#else> 
58                                <div class="profile-web-link-icons"> 
59                                    <#list webLinks as webLink> 
60                                        <#assign icon="fas fa-link"/> 
61                                        <#switch webLink.type> 
62                                            <#case 'Personal'> 
63                                                <#assign icon="fa fa-globe"/> 
64                                                <#break> 
65                                            <#case 'Facebook'> 
66                                                <#assign icon="fa fa-facebook-square"/> 
67                                                <#break> 
68                                            <#case 'Twitter'> 
69                                                <#assign icon="fa fa-twitter"/> 
70                                                <#break> 
71                                            <#case 'Linkedin'> 
72                                                <#assign icon="fa fa-linkedin"/> 
73                                                <#break> 
74                                            <#case 'Research Gate'> 
75                                                <#assign icon="fa fa-flask"/> 
76                                                <#break> 
77                                        </#switch> 
78                                        <a href="${webLink.url}" target="_blank"><i class="${icon} profile-detail-icon"></i></a> 
79                                    </#list> 
80                                </div> 
81                            </#if> 
82                        </div> 
83                    </#if> 
84                </div> 
85            </div> 
86            <div class="researcher-sections"> 
87                <#if researchConceptColumns?has_content> 
88                    <div class="profile-detail-section research-interests"> 
89                        <@renderSectionHeading title="Research Interests" detailsHref="${researcher.pureUrl}"/> 
90                        <#if researchInterestNarratives?has_content> 
91                            <div class="research-interest-narratives"> 
92                                <#list researchInterestNarratives as researchInterestNarrative> 
93                                    <div class="research-interest-narrative"> 
94                                        ${researchInterestNarrative.content} 
95                                    </div> 
96                                </#list> 
97                            </div> 
98                        </#if> 
99                        <div class="row"> 
100                            <#list researchConceptColumns as researchConceptColumn> 
101                                <div class="col-12 col-md-4"> 
102                                    <ul> 
103                                        <li>${researchConceptColumn}</li> 
104                                    </ul> 
105                                </div> 
106                            </#list> 
107                        </div> 
108                        <div class="view-details-mobile d-block d-sm-none"> 
109                            <@renderViewDetails detailsHref="${researcher.pureUrl}"/> 
110                        </div> 
111                    </div> 
112                </#if> 
113                <#if clinicalTrials?has_content> 
114                    <div class="profile-detail-section clinical-trials"> 
115                        <@renderSectionHeading title="Clinical Trials" detailsHref="${onCoreSearchUrl}"/> 
116                        <#list clinicalTrials as clinicalTrial> 
117                            <div class="clinical-trial-detail"> 
118                                <div class="col-med-2 clinical-trial-protocol"> 
119                                    <a href="${clinicalTrial.oncoreViewUrl}" target="_blank">${clinicalTrial.protocol}</a> 
120                                </div> 
121                                <div class="col-med-10 clinical-trial-title"> 
122                                    ${clinicalTrial.title} 
123                                </div> 
124                            </div> 
125                        </#list> 
126                        <div class="view-details-mobile d-block d-sm-none"> 
127                            <@renderViewDetails detailsHref="${onCoreSearchUrl}"/> 
128                        </div> 
129                    </div> 
130                </#if> 
131                <#if publicationCount gt 0> 
132                    <div class="profile-detail-section publications"> 
133                        <@renderSectionHeading title="Recent Publications" detailsHref="${researcher.pureUrl}"/> 
134                        <#list yearPublicationMap?keys as publishYear> 
135                            <#if yearPublicationMap[publishYear]?has_content> 
136                                <h4 class="publication-year">${publishYear}</h4> 
137                                <#list yearPublicationMap[publishYear] as publication> 
138                                    <div class="col-12  publication-detail"> 
139                                        ${publication.harvardRenderingDecoded} 
140                                    </div> 
141                                </#list> 
142                            </#if> 
143                        </#list> 
144                        <div class="view-details-mobile d-block d-sm-none"> 
145                            <@renderViewDetails detailsHref="${researcher.pureUrl}"/> 
146                        </div> 
147                    </div> 
148                </#if> 
149            </div> 
150        </div> 
151    </div> 
153<#macro renderSectionHeading title detailsHref> 
154    <div class="profile-detail-section-heading"> 
155        <div class="row"> 
156            <div class="col-6"> 
157                <h3>${title}</h3> 
158            </div> 
159            <div class="col-6 view-details-desktop"> 
160                <@renderViewDetails detailsHref="${detailsHref}"/> 
161            </div> 
162        </div> 
163    </div> 
165<#macro renderViewDetails detailsHref> 
166    <#if detailsHref?has_content> 
167        <i class="fas fa-external-link"></i><a href="${detailsHref}" target="_blank">View Details</a> 
168    </#if> 