Joel E. Segel, PhD - Penn State Cancer Institute
Researcher Profile

Joel E. Segel, PhD
Associate Professor, Health Policy and Administration
Associate Professor, Department of Public Health Sciences
Associate Professor, Department of Public Health Sciences
Scientific Program:Cancer Control
Recent Publications
Rao, P, Segel, JE, Bingen, K, Devine, KA, Scott, AM, Koehly, LM, Verdery, AM, Rumbaugh, CL, Wasserman, E, Costigan, HJ, Dandekar, S, Rakszawski, K, Songdej, N, Blackall, GF, Vasekar, M, Naik, S, Lengerich, EJ & Van Scoy, LJ 2025, 'The impact of a personal cancer diagnosis on adolescent and young adult cancer survivors’ social connectedness: A qualitative analysis', Journal of Health Psychology.
Jones, A, Segel, JE, Skogseth, EM, Apsley, HB & Santos-Lozada, AR 2024, 'Drug overdose deaths among women 1999–2021 in the United States: Differences by race, ethnicity, and age', Women's Health, vol. 20.
Rao, P, Segel, JE, Bingen, K, Devine, KA, Rumbaugh, CL, Costigan, HJ, Dandekar, S, Wasserman, E, Koehly, LM, Blackall, GF, Rakszawski, K, Songdej, N, Verdery, AM, Lengerich, EJ & Van Scoy, LJ 2024, 'Educational and occupational aspirations of adolescent and young adult cancer survivors: a qualitative analysis', Supportive Care in Cancer, vol. 32, no. 9, 572.
Brant, K, Segel, JE, McShane, MP, Rhubart, D, Kowalkowski, J, Palacios, HV & Jackson, J 2024, 'Implementing a Teaching Rural Mobile Health Clinic: Challenges and Adaptations', Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 385-390.
Chavehpour, Y, Balkrishnan, R & Segel, JE 2024, 'Prescription drug spending by payer: Implications for managed care', Exploratory Research in Clinical and Social Pharmacy, vol. 13, 100406.
Shearer, RD, Segel, JE, Howell, BA, Jones, AA, Khatri, UG, Teixeira Da Silva, D, Vest, N & Winkelman, TNA 2024, 'Racial and Ethnic Differences in Heroin, Methamphetamine, and Cocaine Use, Treatment, and Mortality Trends in 3 National Data Sources - United States, 2010-2019', Medical care, vol. 62, no. 3, pp. 151-160.
Jones, AA, Waghmare, SA, Segel, JE, Harrison, ED, Apsley, HB & Santos-Lozada, AR 2024, 'Regional differences in fatal drug overdose deaths among Black and White individuals in the United States, 2012–2021', American Journal on Addictions, vol. 33, no. 5, pp. 534-542.
Segel, JE, Wong, WG, Kaag, M, Joshi, M, Warrick, J, Lengerich, EJ & Shen, C 2024, 'Relationship Between Availability of Urologists and Primary Care Providers and Stage of Diagnosis for Invasive Urinary Bladder Cancer', Urology Practice, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 339-346.
Akande, AO, Riehman-Murphy, C, Oji-Mmuo, C, Jones, AA, Chen, Q, Segel, JE, Sterner, GE & Adam, MT 2024, 'A scoping review of the opioid epidemic among U.S. Immigrants: Implications for treatment practices', Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse, vol. 23, no. 4, pp. 660-678.
Calo, WA, Shah, PD, Fogel, BN, Ruffin IV, MT, Moss, JL, Hausman, BL, Segel, JE, Francis, E, Schaefer, E, Bufalini, CM, Johnston, N, Hogentogler, E & Kraschnewski, JL 2023, 'Increasing the adoption of evidence-based communication practices for HPV vaccination in primary care clinics: The HPV ECHO study protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial', Contemporary Clinical Trials, vol. 131, 107266.
Jones, AA, Shearer, RD, Segel, JE, Santos-Lozada, A, Strong-Jones, S, Vest, N, Teixeira da Silva, D, Khatri, UG & Winkelman, TNA 2023, 'Opioid and stimulant attributed treatment admissions and fatal overdoses: Using national surveillance data to examine the intersection of race, sex, and polysubstance use, 1992–2020', Drug and alcohol dependence, vol. 249, 109946.
Segel, JE, Shearer, RD, Jones, AA, Khatri, UG, Howell, BA, Crowley, DM, Sterner, G, Vest, N, Teixeira da Silva, D & Winkelman, TNA 2024, 'Understanding Regional Patterns of Overdose Deaths Related to Opioids and Psychostimulants', Substance Use and Misuse, vol. 59, no. 4, pp. 558-566.
Segel, JE 2023, 'What's driving spending differences in medical groups and what might that mean for health policy', Health Services Research, vol. 58, no. 6, pp. 1161-1163.
Hsuan, C, Segel, JE, Hsia, RY, Wang, Y & Rogowski, J 2023, 'Association of emergency department crowding with inpatient outcomes', Health Services Research, vol. 58, no. 4, pp. 828-843.
Shearer, RD, Jones, A, Howell, BA, Segel, JE & Winkelman, TNA 2022, 'Associations between prescription and illicit stimulant and opioid use in the United States, 2015–2020', Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, vol. 143, 108894.
Tchelebi, LT, Shen, B, Wang, M, Potters, L, Herman, J, Boffa, D, Segel, JE, Park, HS & Zaorsky, NG 2022, 'Nonadherence to Multimodality Cancer Treatment Guidelines in the United States', Advances in Radiation Oncology, vol. 7, no. 5, 100938.
Chen, Q, Sterner, G, Segel, J & Feng, Z 2022, 'Trends in opioid-related crime incidents and comparison with opioid overdose outcomes in the United States', International Journal of Drug Policy, vol. 101, 103555.
Roblin, DW, Segel, JE, McCarthy, RJ & Mendiratta, N 2021, 'Comparative Effectiveness of a Complex Care Program for High-Cost/High-Need Patients: a Retrospective Cohort Study', Journal of general internal medicine, vol. 36, no. 7, pp. 2021-2029.
Segel, JE & Tran, L 2021, 'Differences Between Participant and Non-participant Hospitals in the Pennsylvania Rural Health Model', Journal of general internal medicine, vol. 36, no. 9, pp. 2891-2893.
Tran, L, Chetlen, AL, Leslie, DL & Segel, JE 2022, 'Effect of Out-of-Pocket Costs on Subsequent Mammography Screening', Journal of the American College of Radiology, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 24-34.
Ortiz, SE, Segel, JE & Tran, LM 2021, 'Health Savings Plans and Disparities in Access to Care by Race and Ethnicity', American Journal of Preventive Medicine, vol. 61, no. 2, pp. e81-e92.
Zaorsky, NG, Khunsriraksakul, C, Acri, SL, Liu, DJ, Ba, DM, Lin, JL, Liu, G, Segel, JE, Drabick, JJ, Mackley, HB & Leslie, DL 2021, 'Medical Service Use and Charges for Cancer Care in 2018 for Privately Insured Patients Younger Than 65 Years in the US', JAMA network open, vol. 4, no. 10, 27784.
Segel, JE & Winkelman, TNA 2021, 'Persistence and Pervasiveness: Early Wave Opioid Overdose Death Rates Associated With Subsequent Overdose Death Rates', Public Health Reports, vol. 136, no. 2, pp. 212-218.
Segel, JE, Schaefer, EW, Zaorsky, NG, Hollenbeak, CS, Ramian, H & Raman, JD 2021, 'Potential Winners and Losers: Understanding How the Oncology Care Model May Differentially Affect Hospitals', JCO Oncology Practice, vol. 17, no. 8, pp. E1150-E1161.
Segel, JE, Ross, HI, Edwards, JL, Braun, KA & Davis, LA 2021, 'The Unique Challenges Facing Rural Providers in the COVID-19 Pandemic', Population Health Management, vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 304-306.