Christopher Sciamanna, MD, MPH - Penn State Cancer Institute
Researcher Profile

Christopher Sciamanna, MD, MPH
Professor, Department of Medicine
Division of General Internal Medicine
Professor, Department of Public Health Sciences
Division of General Internal Medicine
Professor, Department of Public Health Sciences
Scientific Program:Cancer Control
Recent Publications
Johnson, JA, Zawadzki, MJ, Sliwinski, MJ, Almeida, DM, Buxton, OM, Conroy, DE, Marcusson-Clavertz, D, Kim, J, Stawski, RS, Scott, SB, Sciamanna, CN, Green, PA, Repka, EM, Toledo, MJL, Sturges, NL & Smyth, JM 2025, 'Adaptive Just-in-Time Intervention to Reduce Everyday Stress Responses: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial', JMIR Research Protocols, vol. 14, e58546.
Creath, RA, Venezia, V, Hinkley, B, Sharp, N & Sciamanna, C 2025, 'Antiphase Trunk Motion Reduces Sway Velocity and Ankle Torque During Quiet Stance', Journal of applied biomechanics, vol. 41, no. 1, pp. 87-94.
Martinez, CE, Nezami, BT, Gorin, AA, Mayer-Davis, E, Willis, EA, Sciamanna, CN & Tate, DF 2025, 'Motivation, accountability, and outcomes in a randomized controlled trial of internet weight-loss programs in primary care', Journal of Health Psychology.
Stine, JG, Hummer, B, Smith, N, Tressler, H, Westley Heinle, J, VanKirk, K, Harris, S, Moeller, M, Luzier, G, DiJoseph, K, Hussaini, Z, Jackson, R, Rodgers, B, Schreibman, I, Stonesifer, E, Tondt, J, Sica, CT, Nighot, P, Chinchilli, VM, Loomba, R, Sciamanna, C, Schmitz, K & Kimball, S 2024, 'AMPED study: Protocol for a randomized controlled trial of different doses of aerobic exercise training', Hepatology Communications, vol. 8, no. 7, e0464.
Vemuri, AK, Hejazian, SS, Sadr, AV, Zhou, S, Decker, K, Hakun, J, Sciamanna, C, Abedi, V & Zand, R 2024, 'Adherence to Physical Activity Recommendations among Stroke Survivors in the United States', Stroke.
Kurth, JD, Sciamanna, CN, Herrell, C, Moeller, M & Stine, JG 2024, 'Comparing preferences to evaluations of barrier self-efficacy for two strength training programs in US older adults', PloS one, vol. 19, no. 5 May, e0302892.
Kuzmik, A, Liu, Y, Cuffee, Y, Kong, L, Sciamanna, CN & Rovniak, LS 2024, 'Friend Social Network Size Moderates the Association Between Age and Physical Activity Across Adulthood', International Journal of Exercise Science, vol. 17, no. 5, pp. 1068-1082.
Hurley, L, Nezami, BT, Sciamanna, C & Tate, DF 2024, 'Personal goal setting eHealth component associated with improved weight loss at 6 months: A mixed methods secondary analysis', Digital Health, vol. 10.
Randomized Control Trial Methods Workgroup of the Center for the Study of Tobacco Products: Member List 2024, 'Predictors of attrition in a randomized controlled trial of an electronic nicotine delivery system among people interested in cigarette smoking reduction', Contemporary Clinical Trials, vol. 145, 107662.
Agans, JP, Ma, F, Schade, S & Sciamanna, C 2024, 'Supporting physical activity adoption through recommender system technology: A pilot study', Journal of Health Psychology.
Sciamanna, CN, Kurth, JD, Luzier, W, Conroy, DE, Calo, WA, Schmitz, K, Silvis, ML, Ballentine, NH, Zhou, S, Danilovich, M, Rovniak, LS, Moeller, M, Pierwola-Gawin, N, Kraschnewski, JL, Poger, J & Herrell, C 2024, 'Testing Interventions for Mobility through Exercise (TIME): Study protocol for a randomized trial comparing a novel, brief home-based exercise program and a standard home-based group exercise for older adults with mobility disability', Contemporary Clinical Trials, vol. 147, 107709.
Rao, P, Kazak, AE, Doerksen, SE, Koehly, LM, Verdery, AM, Heitzenrater, J, Harding, BA, Byrnes, CL, Costigan, HJ, Rovniak, LS, Sciamanna, CN, Van Scoy, LJ & Schmitz, KH 2023, 'AYA-UNITE: Lessons Learned on Intervention Development Promoting Social and Physical Health of Adolescent/Young Adult Cancer Survivors', Journal of Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology, vol. 12, no. 6, pp. 929-934.
Sciamanna, CN, Lemaster, KA, Danilovich, MK, Conroy, DE, Schmitz, KH, Silvis, M, Ladwig, M & Ballentine, N 2023, 'Accuracy of Self-Reported Physical Capacities as a Clinical Screening Test for Older Adults With Mobility Disability', Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine, vol. 9.
Bluethmann, SM, Flores, E, Grotte, M, Heitzenrater, J, Truica, CI, Olsen, NJ, Sciamanna, C & Schmitz, KH 2023, 'Adapting an Evidence-Based Exercise and Education Program for Older Breast Cancer Survivors for the REJOIN Trial', Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, vol. 31, no. 1, pp. 59-67.
Rovniak, LS, Cho, JAY, Freivalds, A, Kong, LAN, De Araujo-Greecher, M, Bopp, M, Sciamanna, CN & Rothrock, L 2023, 'Effects of Desk Pedaling Work Rate on Concurrent Work Performance among Physically Inactive Adults: A Randomized Experiment', Medicine and science in sports and exercise, vol. 55, no. 1, pp. 20-31.
Harris, SJ, Smith, N, Hummer, B, Schreibman, IR, Faust, AJ, Geyer, NR, Chinchilli, VM, Sciamanna, C, Loomba, R & Stine, JG 2024, 'Exercise training improves serum biomarkers of liver fibroinflammation in patients with metabolic dysfunction-associated steatohepatitis', Liver International, vol. 44, no. 2, pp. 532-540.
Ladwig, MA, Sciamanna, CN, Luzier, G, Blaker, JM, Agans, JP & Visek, AJ 2023, 'Improving reflective evaluations of sport through repeated experiences of fun—rationale, design, feasibility, and acceptability of the PlayFit Youth Sport Program', Pilot and Feasibility Studies, vol. 9, no. 1, 118.
Veldheer, S, Whitehead-Zimmers, M, Bordner, C, Watt, B, Conroy, DE, Schmitz, KH & Sciamanna, C 2023, 'Participant Preferences for the Development of a Digitally Delivered Gardening Intervention to Improve Diet, Physical Activity, and Cardiovascular Health: Cross-sectional Study', JMIR Formative Research, vol. 7, e41498.
Tate, DF, Kraschnewski, JL, Martinez, C, Diamond, M, Veldheer, S, Hwang, KO, Lehman, EB, Yang, C & Sciamanna, CN 2022, 'A cluster-randomized controlled trial of automated internet weight-loss programs in primary care: Role of automated provider feedback', Obesity, vol. 30, no. 12, pp. 2363-2375.
Olson, JL, Mama, SK, Brunke-Reese, D, Lagoa, CM, Sciamanna, CN & Conroy, DE 2024, 'Broad versus narrow bandwidth measures of experienced automaticity for physical activity', Psychology and Health, vol. 39, no. 10, pp. 1371-1387.
Sciamanna, CN, Ballentine, NH, Bopp, M, Chinchilli, VM, Ciccolo, JT, Delauter, G, Fisher, A, Fox, EJ, Jan De Beur, SM, Kearcher, K, Kraschnewski, JL, Lehman, E, McTigue, KM, McAuley, E, Paranjape, A, Rodriguez-Colon, S, Rovniak, LS, Rutt, K, Smyth, JM, Stewart, KJ, Stuckey, HL & Tsay, A 2022, 'Correction to: Working to increase stability through exercise (WISE): screening, recruitment, and baseline characteristics (Trials, (2021), 22, 1, (809), 10.1186/s13063-021-05761-0)', Trials, vol. 23, no. 1, 34.
Foulds, J, Cobb, CO, Yen, MS, Veldheer, S, Brosnan, P, Yingst, J, Hrabovsky, S, Lopez, AA, Allen, SI, Bullen, C, Wang, X, Sciamanna, C, Hammett, E, Hummer, BL, Lester, C, Richie, JP, Chowdhury, N, Graham, JT, Kang, L, Sun, S & Eissenberg, T 2022, 'Effect of Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems on Cigarette Abstinence in Smokers With No Plans to Quit: Exploratory Analysis of a Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial', Nicotine and Tobacco Research, vol. 24, no. 7, pp. 955-961.
Zaorsky, NG, Garrett, S, Spratt, DE, Nguyen, PL, Sciamanna, C & Schmitz, K 2022, 'Exercise: A Treatment That Should Be Prescribed With Radiation Therapy', International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, vol. 112, no. 1, pp. 96-98.
Veldheer, S, Tuan, WJ, Al-Shaar, L, Wadsworth, M, Sinoway, L, Schmitz, KH, Sciamanna, C & Gao, X 2023, 'Gardening Is Associated With Better Cardiovascular Health Status Among Older Adults in the United States: Analysis of the 2019 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Survey', Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, vol. 123, no. 5, pp. 761-769.e3.
Ghahramani, N, Chinchilli, VM, Kraschnewski, JL, Lengerich, EJ & Sciamanna, CN 2022, 'Improving Caregiver Burden by a Peer-Led Mentoring Program for Caregivers of Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease: Randomized Controlled Trial', Journal of Patient Experience, vol. 9.
Gordon, BR, Caru, M, Blair, CK, Bluethmann, SM, Conroy, DE, Doerksen, SE, Hakun, JG, Sturgeon, KM, Potiaumpai, M, Sciamanna, CN & Schmitz, KH 2022, 'Light-intensity and moderate-to-vigorous intensity physical activity among older adult breast cancer survivors with obesity: A narrative review', Cancer medicine, vol. 11, no. 23, pp. 4602-4611.
Stine, JG, Schreibman, IR, Faust, AJ, Dahmus, J, Stern, B, Soriano, C, Rivas, G, Hummer, B, Kimball, SR, Geyer, NR, Chinchilli, VM, Loomba, R, Schmitz, K, Sciamanna, C, Strine, C, Wentzel, R, Marlin, S, Sica, C, Vesek, J, Eyster, E, Sinoway, L, Bentz, K, Handley, N, Hershey Fell, B, Mottilla, S, Christ, C, George, S, Novchich, T, Beyer, M, Clarke, K, Myers, T, Glading-Steinruck, M, Krok, K, Ma, T, Riley, T, Thompson, E, Tressler, H, Broach, J, Doan, T, Patrick, S, Reed, S, Hamilton, C, Slavoski, K & Tregea, D 2022, 'NASHFit: A randomized controlled trial of an exercise training program to reduce clotting risk in patients with NASH', Hepatology, vol. 76, no. 1, pp. 172-185.
Yingst, JM, Lester, C, Livelsberger, C, Allen, SI, Hammett, E, Veldheer, S, Hummer, B, Bordner, C, Zhu, J, Sciamanna, CN, Trushin, N, Tan, HS, Wilson, SJ, Twining, RC, Foulds, J & Grigson, PS 2022, 'Pilot randomized controlled trial evaluating the effect of random nicotine delivery on cigarettes per day and smoke exposure', Brain Research Bulletin, vol. 188, pp. 30-37.
Stine, JG, Schreibman, IR, Faust, AJ, Dahmus, J, Stern, B, Soriano, C, Rivas, G, Hummer, B, Kimball, SR, Geyer, NR, Chinchilli, VM, Schmitz, K & Sciamanna, C 2022, 'Reply', Hepatology, vol. 76, no. 1, pp. E18-E19.
Butzner, M, Leslie, D, Cuffee, Y, Hollenbeak, CS, Sciamanna, C & Abraham, TP 2022, 'Sex differences in clinical outcomes for obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in the USA: A retrospective observational study of administrative claims data', BMJ open, vol. 12, no. 3, e058151.
Kuzmik, A, Liu, Y, Cuffee, Y, Kong, L, Sciamanna, CN & Rovniak, LS 2022, 'The Association between Gender and Physical Activity Was Partially Mediated by Social Network Size during COVID-19', International journal of environmental research and public health, vol. 19, no. 5, 2495.
Ladwig, MA, Sciamanna, CN, Rutt, KN, Blaker, JM, Kearcher, K, Auer, BJ, Rovniak, LS, Conroy, DE, Gottschall, JS, Silvis, ML, Smyth, JM & Wang, M 2021, 'Adult outdoor group sport play during a pandemic: Feasibility, acceptability, and program adherence results from a study of modifications to mitigate COVID-19 risk', Preventive Medicine Reports, vol. 23, 101476.
Ladwig, MA, Sciamanna, CN, Rovniak, LS, Conroy, DE, Gottschall, JS, Silvis, ML, Smyth, JM, Wang, M & Auer, BJ 2021, 'Comparative effectiveness of an adult social physical play versus traditional group exercise program for adherence and fitness: Protocol for a randomized-controlled trial', Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications, vol. 21, 100736.
Ghahramani, N, Chinchilli, VM, Kraschnewski, JL, Lengerich, E & Sciamanna, CN 2021, 'Effect of Peer Mentoring on Quality of Life among CKD Patients: Randomized Controlled Trial', Kidney Diseases, vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 323-334.
Randomised Control Trial Methods Workgroup of the Center for the Study of Tobacco Products 2021, 'Effect of an electronic nicotine delivery system with 0, 8, or 36 mg/mL liquid nicotine versus a cigarette substitute on tobacco-related toxicant exposure: a four-arm, parallel-group, randomised, controlled trial', The Lancet Respiratory Medicine, vol. 9, no. 8, pp. 840-850.
Hughes, A, Dahmus, J, Rivas, G, Hummer, B, Chen See, JR, Wright, JR, Lamendella, R, Schmitz, KH, Sciamanna, C, Ruffin, M, Patterson, AD, Loomba, R & Stine, JG 2021, 'Exercise Training Reverses Gut Dysbiosis in Patients With Biopsy-Proven Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis: A Proof of Concept Study', Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology, vol. 19, no. 8, pp. 1723-1725.
Sciamanna, CN, Ladwig, MA, Conroy, DE, Schmitz, KH, Silvis, ML, Ballentine, NH, Auer, BJ & Danilovich, MK 2021, 'Feasibility and impact of a 1-minute daily functional exercise regimen prescribed to older adults by their primary care physician', Preventive Medicine Reports, vol. 21, 101307.
Veldheer, S, Scartozzi, C, Bordner, CR, Opara, C, Williams, B, Weaver, L, Rodriguez, D, Berg, A & Sciamanna, C 2021, 'Impact of a Prescription Produce Program on Diabetes and Cardiovascular Risk Outcomes', Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, vol. 53, no. 12, pp. 1008-1017.
Butzner, M, Leslie, D, Cuffee, Y, Hollenbeak, CS, Sciamanna, C & Abraham, T 2021, 'Stable Rates of Obstructive Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy in a Contemporary Era', Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine, vol. 8, 765876.
Bluethmann, SM, Truica, C, Klepin, HD, Olsen, N, Sciamanna, C, Chinchilli, VM & Schmitz, KH 2021, 'Study design and methods for the using exercise to relieve joint pain and improve AI adherence in older breast cancer survivors (REJOIN) trial', Journal of Geriatric Oncology, vol. 12, no. 7, pp. 1146-1153.
Sciamanna, CN, Du, P & Cialdini, RB 2021, 'Using Persuasion science to improve COVID-19 contact tracing', American journal of infection control, vol. 49, no. 4, pp. 528-529.
Ladwig, MA, Sciamanna, CN, Auer, BJ, Oser, TK, Stine, JG & Agans, JP 2021, 'When American adults do move, how do they do so? Trends in physical activity intensity, type, and modality: 1988-2017', Journal of Physical Activity and Health, vol. 18, no. 10, pp. 1181-1198.