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Maxime Caru, PhD, PhD

Maxime Caru, PhD, PhD

Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics
Division of Hematology and Oncology
Assistant Professor, Department of Public Health Sciences
Scientific Program:Cancer Control
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Clinical Trials

Exercise intervention coupled with standard post-cancer directed treatment care to reduce chronic pain in adolescents and young adult cancer survivors who have completed cancer-directed therapy less than one year
Healthy diet and physical activity lifestyle in adolescent and young adult cancer survivors
Adolescent and young adult professional and Olympian athlete cancer survivors
Exploring Patient Level Barriers and Facilitators for Human Papillomavirus Vaccine Opportunities in Young Adult Survivors of Childhood Cancer in Rural Pennsylvania

Recent Publications


Baker, K, Caru, M, Sandvik, J & Martin, M 2025, 'The challenges experienced by collegiate athlete cancer survivors', Supportive Care in Cancer, vol. 33, no. 1, 68.
Harvey, A, Caru, M, Gonzalez Corcia, C, Bertrand, É, Gagné, V, Dandekar, S, Krajinovic, M, Gravel, H, Laverdière, C, Raboisson, MJ, Andelfinger, G, Jacquemet, V, Sinnett, D & Curnier, D 2025, 'Uncovering possible silent acquired long QT syndrome using exercise stress testing in long-term pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia survivors', International Journal of Cancer, vol. 156, no. 2, pp. 403-416.


Raymond, N, Laribi, H, Caru, M, Mitiche, M, Marcil, V, Krajinovic, M, Curnier, D, Sinnett, D & Vallières, M 2024, 'Development of Error Passing Network for Optimizing the Prediction of VO2 peak in Childhood Acute Leukemia Survivors', Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, vol. 248, pp. 506-521.
Harvey, A, Curnier, D & Caru, M 2024, 'Exercise Testing and Artificial Intelligence as Allies in Improving the Detection and Diagnosis of Long QT Syndrome', Mayo Clinic Proceedings: Digital Health, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 175-176.
Caru, M, Zaorsky, N, Sturgeon, K, Potiaumpai, M, Gordon, B, Doerksen, S & Schmitz, K 2024, 'Exercise oncology clinical trials during treatments: a commentary to address the safety concerns of human subjects regulatory reviewers and committees', Supportive Care in Cancer, vol. 32, no. 4, 269.
Tardif, CB, Mathieu, ME, Caru, M, Al-Simaani, AMY, Girard-Bock, C, Cloutier, A, Stickland, MK, Nuyt, AM & Luu, TMAI 2024, 'HAPI Fit: An Exercise Intervention to Improve Peak Aerobic Capacity in Young Adults Born Very Preterm', Medicine and science in sports and exercise, vol. 56, no. 1, pp. 44-52.
Potiaumpai, M, Caru, M, Mineishi, S, Naik, S, Zemel, BS & Schmitz, KH 2024, 'IMPROVE-BMT: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial of Prehabilitation Exercise for Adult Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant Recipients', Journal of Clinical Medicine, vol. 13, no. 7, 2052.
Kennedy, MA, Wood, KC, Campbell, A, Potiaumpai, M, Wilson, CM, Schwartz, AL, Gorzelitz, J, Caru, M & Schmitz, KH 2024, 'Identification of core competencies for exercise oncology professionals: A Delphi study of United States and Australian participants', Cancer medicine, vol. 13, no. 14, e70004.
Lalancette, E, Cantin, É, Routhier, MÈ, Mailloux, C, Bertrand, MC, Kiaei, DS, Larouche, V, Tabori, U, Hawkins, C, Ellezam, B, Décarie, JC, Théoret, Y, Métras, MÉ, McKeown, T, Ospina, LH, Vairy, S, Ramaswamy, V, Coltin, H, Sultan, S, Legault, G, Bouffet, É, Lafay-Cousin, L, Hukin, J, Erker, C, Caru, M, Dehaes, M, Jabado, N, Perreault, S & Lippé, S 2024, 'Impact of trametinib on the neuropsychological profile of NF1 patients', Journal of neuro-oncology, vol. 167, no. 3, pp. 447-454.
Caru, M, Dandekar, S, Gordon, B, Conroy, DE, Barb, ED, Doerksen, SE, Smink, GM, McKeone, DJ, Shah, NB, Greiner, RJ, Schramm, JW, Rao, P, McGregor, L & Schmitz, KH 2024, 'Implementing a behavioral physical activity program in children and adolescent survivors of childhood cancer: a pilot randomized controlled trial', Journal of Behavioral Medicine, vol. 47, no. 5, pp. 792-803.
Caru, M & Levesque, A 2024, 'Improving care in pediatric oncology: why patient- and family-centered support is essential throughout the cancer survivorship continuum', Pediatric Research.
Caru, M, Levesque, A, Dandekar, S & Schmitz, K 2024, 'Physical activity and psychological support can replace “another pill” to manage cancer-related symptoms in children and adolescents diagnosed with cancer', BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies, vol. 24, no. 1, 170.
Kientega, T, Marcoux, S, Bourbonnais, J, Montpetit, J, Caru, M, Cardin, GB, Arbour, N, Marcil, V, Curnier, D, Laverdière, C, Sinnett, D & Rodier, F 2024, 'Premature thymic functional senescence is a hallmark of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia survivorship', Blood Cancer Journal, vol. 14, no. 1, 96.
Bertrand, É, Caru, M, Harvey, A, Andelfinger, G, Laverdiere, C, Krajinovic, M, Sinnett, D, Jacquemet, V & Curnier, D 2024, 'QTc intervals at rest and during exercise assessed by group correction formulas in survivors of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia', Journal of Electrocardiology, vol. 83, pp. 80-94.
Harvey, A, Curnier, D, Dodin, P, Jacquemet, V & Caru, M 2024, 'The Effects of Cycle Ergometer Versus Treadmill Exercise Stress Testing on QTc Interval Prolongation in Patients with Long QT Syndrome: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis', Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine, vol. 34, no. 5, pp. 474-502.


Dandekar, S, Caru, M & Schmitz, KH 2023, 'Behavioral physical activity intervention coupled with standard post-cancer directed treatment care to mitigate chronic pain in childhood cancer survivors: A protocol for a single-center, pilot randomized controlled trial', Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications, vol. 36, 101216.
Levesque, A, Caru, M, Duval, M, Laverdière, C, Marjerrison, S & Sultan, S 2023, 'Cancer-related fatigue: scoping review to synthesize a definition for childhood cancer survivors', Supportive Care in Cancer, vol. 31, no. 4, 231.
Uwase, E, Caru, M, Curnier, D, Meng, MA, Andelfinger, G, Krajinovic, M, Laverdière, C, Sinnett, D & Périé, D 2023, 'Cardiac Mechanical Performance Assessment at Different Levels of Exercise in Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Survivors', Journal of pediatric hematology/oncology, vol. 45, no. 5, pp. 247-255.
Bertrand, É, Caru, M, Harvey, A, Dodin, P, Jacquemet, V & Curnier, D 2023, 'Cardiac electrical abnormalities in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia survivors: a systematic review', Cardio-Oncology, vol. 9, no. 1, 40.
Lalonde, F, Caru, M, Baudet, M, Ribeiro, PAB, Martin, SM, Comtois, AS & Tournoux, FB 2023, 'Cardiac remodeling in amateur triathletes after 24 weeks of exercise training for a half-Ironman event: a brief report', Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, vol. 63, no. 2, pp. 367-372.
Caru, M, Curnier, D, Dubois, P, Friedrich, MG, Andelfinger, G, Krajinovic, M, Laverdière, C, Sinnett, D & Périé, D 2023, 'Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Survivors', Journal of Physical Activity and Health, vol. 20, no. 6, pp. 522-530.
Caru, M, Alberts, NM, Freeman, MC, Dandekar, SC, Rao, P, McKeone, DJ, Brown, VI, McGregor, LM & Schmitz, KH 2023, 'Chronic pain in children and adolescents diagnosed with cancer: the challenge of mitigating the pain and the potential of integrating exercise into pain management', Supportive Care in Cancer, vol. 31, no. 4, 228.
Lapointe, MO, Caru, M, Curnier, D, Raboisson, MJ, Andelfinger, G, Krajinovic, M, Laverdière, C, Sinnett, D & Périé, D 2023, 'Dexrazoxane Treatments Limits Subclinical Cardiac Dysfunction in Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Survivors Exposed to Doxorubicin Treatments', Journal of pediatric hematology/oncology, vol. 45, no. 2, pp. 70-77.
Caru, M, Dubois, P, Curnier, D, Andelfinger, G, Krajinovic, M, Laverdière, C, Sinnett, D & Périé, D 2023, 'Echocardiographic Parameters Associated With Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Physical Activity in Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Survivors', Journal of Physical Activity and Health, vol. 20, no. 12, pp. 1152-1161.
Uwase, E, Caru, M, Levesque, A, Dodin, P, Curnier, D & Périé, D 2023, 'Exercise stress cardiac magnetic resonance imaging in the assessment of induced cardiovascular responses in cardiac patients: A scoping review protocol', JBI evidence synthesis, vol. 21, no. 9, pp. 1879-1887.
Harvey, A, Curnier, D & Caru, M 2023, 'Long QT syndrome and current exercise recommendations: do we speak an infinite deal of… nothing?', European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, vol. 30, no. 5, pp. E25-E26.
Kennedy, MA, Potiaumpai, M, Maitin-Shepard, M, Wilson, CM, Campbell, A, Schwartz, AL, Gorzelitz, J, Caru, M, Grimmett, C & Schmitz, KH 2023, 'Looking back: A review of policy implications for exercise oncology', Journal of the National Cancer Institute - Monographs, vol. 2023, no. 61, pp. 140-148.
Artz, T, Caru, M, Curnier, D, Abasq, M, Krajinovic, M, Laverdière, C, Sinnett, D & Périé, D 2023, 'Modelling cardiac mechanics in doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity following childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia using a combination of cardiac magnetic resonance imaging, cardiopulmonary exercise testing and the CircAdapt model', Journal of Biomechanics, vol. 154, 111616.
Caru, M, Wurz, A, Brunet, J, Barb, ED, Adams, SC, Roth, ME, Winters-Stone, K, Fidler-Benaoudia, MM, Dandekar, S, Ness, KK, Culos-Reed, SN, Schulte, F, Rao, P, Mizrahi, D, Swartz, MC, Smith, M, Valle, CG, Kadan-Lottick, NS, Dieli-Conwright, CM & Schmitz, KH 2023, 'Physical activity and physical fitness assessments in adolescents and young adults diagnosed with cancer: a scoping review', Supportive Care in Cancer, vol. 31, no. 10, 569.
Uwase, E, Caru, M, Curnier, D, Abasq, M, Andelfinger, G, Krajinovic, M, Laverdière, C, Sinnett, D & Périé, D 2023, 'Relationship between cardiac mechanical properties and cardiac magnetic resonance imaging at rest in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia survivors', International Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging, vol. 39, no. 12, pp. 2589-2598.
Bertrand, É, Caru, M, Morel, S, Bergeron Parenteau, A, Belanger, V, Laverdière, C, Krajinovic, M, Sinnett, D, Levy, E, Marcil, V & Curnier, D 2023, 'Substrate oxidation during exercise in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia survivors', Pediatric Hematology and Oncology, vol. 40, no. 8, pp. 701-718.
Schmitz, KH, Kanski, B, Gordon, B, Caru, M, Vasakar, M, Truica, CI, Wang, M, Doerksen, S, Lorenzo, A, Winkels, R, Qiu, L & Abdullah, S 2023, 'Technology-based supportive care for metastatic breast cancer patients', Supportive Care in Cancer, vol. 31, no. 7, 401.
Caru, M, Heitzenrater, J & Schmitz, KH 2023, 'The importance of cardiopulmonary exercise test to improve supportive care in adolescent and young adult survivors of childhood cancer', Pediatric Research, vol. 94, no. 3, pp. 850-851.
Caru, M, Abdullah, S, Qiu, L, Kanski, B, Gordon, B, Truica, CI, Vasakar, M, Doerksen, S & Schmitz, KH 2023, 'Women with metastatic breast cancer don't just follow step-count trends, they exceed them: an exploratory study', Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, vol. 200, no. 2, pp. 265-270.


Caru, M, Levesque, A, Rao, P, Dandekar, S, Terry, C, Brown, V, McGregor, L & Schmitz, K 2022, 'A scoping review to map the evidence of physical activity interventions in post-treatment adolescent and young adult cancer survivors', Critical Reviews in Oncology/Hematology, vol. 171, 103620.
Levesque, A, Caru, M, Duval, M, Laverdière, C, Marjerrison, S & Sultan, S 2022, 'Cancer-related fatigue in childhood cancer survivors: A systematic scoping review on contributors of fatigue and how they are targeted by non-pharmacological interventions', Critical Reviews in Oncology/Hematology, vol. 179, 103804.
Aissiou, M, Curnier, D, Caru, M, Hafyane, T, Leleu, L, Krajinovic, M, Laverdière, C, Sinnett, D, Andelfinger, G, Cheriet, F & Périé, D 2022, 'Detection of doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity using myocardial T1 and T2 relaxation times in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia survivors', International Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging, vol. 38, no. 4, pp. 873-882.
Caru, M, Poulnais, S, Gorwood, P & Kern, L 2022, 'Exercise addiction, pain and injuries in amateur athletes', Sport Sciences for Health, vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 1253-1261.
Gordon, BR, Caru, M, Blair, CK, Bluethmann, SM, Conroy, DE, Doerksen, SE, Hakun, JG, Sturgeon, KM, Potiaumpai, M, Sciamanna, CN & Schmitz, KH 2022, 'Light-intensity and moderate-to-vigorous intensity physical activity among older adult breast cancer survivors with obesity: A narrative review', Cancer medicine, vol. 11, no. 23, pp. 4602-4611.
Ghasemi, M, Curnier, D, Caru, M, Trépanier, JY & Périé, D 2022, 'The effect of different aero handlebar positions on aerodynamic and gas exchange variables', Journal of Biomechanics, vol. 139, 111128.
Harvey, A, Curnier, D, Dodin, P, Abadir, S, Jacquemet, V & Caru, M 2022, 'The influence of exercise and postural changes on ventricular repolarization in the long QT syndrome: a systematic scoping review', European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, vol. 29, no. 12, pp. 1633-1677.
Caru, M & Curnier, D 2022, 'The pediatric oncology exercise field speeds up to address important issues regarding chemotherapy-related cardiotoxicity', Frontiers in Pediatrics, vol. 10, 998337.


Levesque, A, Caru, M, Duval, M, Laverdière, C & Sultan, S 2021, 'Contributors to cancer-related fatigue in childhood cancer survivors and the use of non-pharmacological interventions: a scoping review protocol', JBI evidence synthesis, vol. 19, no. 9, pp. 2423-2433.
Labonté, J, Caru, M, Lemay, V, Alos, N, Drouin, S, Bertout, L, Andelfinger, G, Krajinovic, M, Laverdière, C, Sinnett, D & Curnier, D 2021, 'Developing and validating equations to predict O2 peak from the 6MWT in Childhood ALL Survivors', Disability and Rehabilitation, vol. 43, no. 20, pp. 2937-2944.
Bertrand, É, Caru, M, Lemay, V, Andelfinger, G, Laverdiere, C, Krajinovic, M, Sinnett, D & Curnier, D 2021, 'Heart rate response and chronotropic incompetence during cardiopulmonary exercise testing in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia survivors', Pediatric Hematology and Oncology, vol. 38, no. 6, pp. 564-580.
Caru, M, Laverdière, C, Lemay, V, Drouin, S, Bertout, L, Krajinovic, M, Andelfinger, G, Sinnett, D & Curnier, D 2021, 'Maximal cardiopulmonary exercise testing in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia survivors exposed to chemotherapy', Supportive Care in Cancer, vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 987-996.
Boucher, VG, Caru, M, Martin, SM, Lopes, M, Comtois, AS & Lalonde, F 2021, 'Psychological status during and after the preparation of a long-distance triathlon event in amateur athletes', International Journal of Exercise Science, vol. 14, no. 5, pp. 134-148.
Caru, M, Curnier, D, Levesque, A, Sultan, S, Marcil, V, Laverdière, C, Sinnett, D, Romo, L & Kern, L 2021, 'The impact of cancer on theory of planned behavior measures and physical activity levels during the first weeks following cancer diagnosis in children', Supportive Care in Cancer, vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 823-831.
Caru, M, Perreault, S, Levesque, A, Sultan, S, Desjardins, L, Rondeau, É, Romo, L, Curnier, D & Kern, L 2021, 'Validity and reliability of the French version of the Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory™ brain tumor module', Quality of Life Research, vol. 30, no. 8, pp. 2387-2404.